domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011


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Adolf Hitler was born on 20th April, 1889, in the small Austrian town of Braunau near the German border. Adolf Hitler nasceu em 20 de abril de 1889, na pequena austríaca de Braunau, cidade perto da fronteira alemã. Both Hitler's parents had come from poor peasant families. Hitler pais Ambos vieram de famílias de camponeses pobres. His father Alois Hitler , the illegitimate son of a housemaid, was an intelligent and ambitious man and later became a senior customs official. Seu pai, Alois Hitler , o filho ilegítimo de uma empregada doméstica, era um homem inteligente e ambicioso, e mais tarde tornou-se um alto funcionário da alfândega.

Klara Hitler was Alois' third wife. Klara Hitler foi a terceira esposa de Alois. Alois was twenty-three years older than Klara and already had two children from his previous marriages. Alois era 23 anos mais velho que Klara e já tinha dois filhos de seus casamentos anteriores. Klara and Alois had five children but only Adolf and a younger sister, Paula, survived to become adults. Klara e Alois teve cinco filhos, mas apenas Adolf e uma irmã mais nova, Paula, sobreviveram para se tornarem adultos.

Alois, who was fifty-one when Adolf was born, was extremely keen for his son to do well in life. Alois, que era de cinqüenta e um anos quando Adolf nasceu, era muito afiado para o seu filho a fazer bem na vida. Alois did have another son by an earlier marriage but he had been a big disappointment to him and eventually ended up in prison for theft. Alois teve outro filho de um casamento anterior, mas tinha sido uma grande decepção para ele e acabou na prisão por roubo. Alois was a strict father and savagely beat his son if he did not do as he was told. Alois era um pai rigoroso e bateu violentamente seu filho se ele não fez como lhe foi dito.

Hitler did extremely well at primary school and it appeared he had a bright academic future in front of him. Hitler fez muito bem na escola primária, e parecia que ele tinha um futuro brilhante acadêmico na frente dele. He was also popular with other pupils and was much admired for his leadership qualities. Ele também foi popular com os outros alunos e era muito admirada por suas qualidades de liderança. He was also a deeply religious child and for a while considered the possibility of becoming a monk. Ele também foi um religioso da criança profundamente e por um tempo considerado a possibilidade de se tornar um monge.

Competition was much tougher in the larger secondary school and his reaction to not being top of the class was to stop trying. A competição era muito mais dura na maior escola secundária e sua reação a não ser o melhor da classe foi parar de tentar. His father was furious as he had high hopes that Hitler would follow his example and join the Austrian civil service when he left school. Seu pai ficou furioso porque tinha esperanças de que Hitler poderia seguir o seu exemplo e faça parte da função pública austríaca, quando saiu da escola. However, Hitler was a stubborn child and attempts by his parents and teachers to change his attitude towards his studies were unsuccessful. No entanto, Hitler era uma criança teimosa e as tentativas de seus pais e professores a mudar a sua atitude para com os seus estudos não tiveram êxito.

Hitler also lost his popularity with his fellow pupils. Hitler também perdeu a sua popularidade com os seus colegas. They were no longer willing to accept him as one of their leaders. Eles não estavam mais dispostos a aceitá-lo como um de seus líderes. As Hitler liked giving orders he spent his time with younger pupils. Como Hitler gostava de dar ordens, ele passava o tempo com os alunos mais jovens. He enjoyed games that involved fighting and he loved re-enacting battles from the Boer War . Ele gostava de jogos que envolveram combates e amou reencenar batalhas da Guerra dos Bôeres . His favourite game was playing the role of a commando rescuing Boers from English concentration camps. Seu jogo favorito era o papel de um commando emergência Boers dos campos de concentração Inglês.

The only teacher Hitler appeared to like at secondary school was Leopold Potsch, his history master. A única professora de Hitler parecia gostar da escola secundária foi Leopold Potsch, seu mestre da história. Potsch, like many people living in Upper Austria, was a German Nationalist . Potsch, como muitas pessoas que vivem na Alta Áustria, foi um nacionalista alemão . Potsch told Hitler and his fellow pupils of the German victories over France in 1870 and 1871 and attacked the Austrians for not becoming involved in these triumphs. Otto von Bismarck , the first chancellor of the German Empire, was one of Hitler's early historical heroes. Potsch disse Hitler e seus colegas de estudos das vitórias alemão sobre a França em 1870 e 1871 e atacaram os austríacos para não se envolverem nestes triunfos. Otto von Bismarck , o primeiro chanceler do Império Alemão, foi um dos primeiros a Hitler heróis históricos.

In Pursuit of Hitler Na perseguição de Hitler

Mein Kampf Mein Kampf

Hitler's other main interest at school was art. outras principal interesse de Hitler na escola era arte. His father was incensed when Hitler told him that instead of joining the civil service he was going to become an artist. Seu pai ficou furioso quando Hitler lhe disse que, em vez de aderir ao serviço público que ia se tornar um artista. The relationship between Hitler and his father deteriorated and the conflict only ended with the death of Alois Hitler in 1903. A relação entre Hitler e seu pai se deteriorado, eo conflito só terminou com a morte de Alois Hitler em 1903.
Hitler was thirteen when his father died. Hitler tinha treze anos quando seu pai morreu. His death did not cause the family financial hardships. Sua morte não foi a causa da família de dificuldades financeiras. The Hitler family owned their own home and they also received a lump sum and a generous civil service pension. A família de Hitler propriedade sua própria casa e eles também receberam um montante fixo e um serviço de pensão civil generoso.

Klara Hitler , a kind and gentle woman, tended to spoil her son. Klara Hitler , uma mulher amável e gentil, tendem a estragar o seu filho. Like her husband she was keen for Adolf to do well at school. Como o marido estava vivo para Adolf fazer bem na escola. Her attempts at persuasion achieved no more success than her husband's threats and he continued to obtain poor grades. Suas tentativas de persuasão alcançado mais sucesso do que as ameaças do marido dela e ele continuou a obter notas baixas.

At the age of fifteen he did so badly in his examinations that he was told he would have to repeat the whole year's work again. Na idade de quinze anos ele fez tão mal nos exames que lhe foi dito que ele teria que repetir todo o ano o trabalho novamente. Hitler hated the idea and managed to persuade his mother to allow him to leave school without a secondary education qualification. Hitler odiava a idéia e conseguiu convencer sua mãe a deixá-lo a abandonar a escola sem uma qualificação do ensino secundário. He celebrated by getting drunk. Ele comemorou por se embriagar. However, he found it an humiliating experience and vowed never to get drunk again. No entanto, ele achou uma experiência humilhante e prometeu nunca mais ficar bêbado novamente. He kept his promise and by the time he reached his thirties he had given up alcohol completely. Ele manteve sua promessa e pelo tempo que ele chegou a casa dos trinta anos que ele havia desistido completamente de álcool.

When he was eighteen Hitler received an inheritance from his father's will. Quando ele tinha dezoito Hitler recebeu uma herança de pai a Sua vontade. With the money he moved to Vienna where he planned to become an art student. Com o dinheiro que ele mudou-se para Viena, onde pretendia se tornar um estudante de arte. Hitler had a high opinion of his artistic abilities and was shattered when the Vienna Academy of Art rejected his application. Hitler tinha uma opinião muito elevada de suas habilidades artísticas e foi quebrado quando a Academia de Arte de Viena rejeitou sua candidatura. He also applied to the Vienna School of Architecture but was not admitted because he did not have a school leaving certificate. Ele também aplicados para a Escola de Arquitetura de Viena, mas não foi internado porque ele não tem um certificado de sair da escola.

Hitler was humiliated by these two rejections and could not bring himself to tell his mother what had happened. Hitler foi humilhado por estas duas rejeições e não podia levar-se a contar à mãe o que tinha acontecido. Instead he continued to live in Vienna pretending he was an art student. Ao contrário, ele continuou a viver em Viena, fingindo que era um estudante de arte.

In 1907 Klara Hitler died from cancer. Em 1907, Klara Hitler, morreu de câncer. Her death affected him far more deeply than the death of his father. Sua morte afetou muito mais profundamente do que a morte de seu pai. He had fond memories of his mother, carried her photograph wherever he went and, it is claimed, had it in his hand when he died in 1945. Ele tinha boas lembranças de sua mãe, levou-a fotografia onde quer que fosse e, alega-se, tinha em sua mão quando ele morreu em 1945.

As the eldest child, Hitler now received his father's civil service pension. Como o filho mais velho, Hitler já recebeu do pai de pensão civil o seu serviço. It was more money than many people received in wages and meant that Hitler did not have to find employment. Foi mais dinheiro do que muitas pessoas receberam em salários e significava que Hitler não tinha a encontrar um emprego. He spent most of the morning in bed reading and in the afternoon he walked around Vienna studying buildings, visiting museums, and making sketches. Ele passou a maior parte da manhã na cama lendo e à tarde ele andou à volta de Viena estudar edifícios, visitar museus, e fazer esboços.

In 1909 Hitler should have registered for military service. Em 1909, Hitler deve ter registrado para o serviço militar. He was unwilling to serve Austria , which he despised, so he ignored his call-up papers. Ele não estava disposto a servir a Áustria , que desprezou, então ele ignorou sua convocação papéis. It took four years for the authorities to catch up with him. Demorou quatro anos para as autoridades para pegar com ele. When he had his medical for the Austro-Hungarian Army in 1914 he was rejected as being: "Unfit for combatant and auxiliary duty - too weak. Unable to bear arms." Quando ele tinha o seu médico para o exército austro-húngaro , em 1914, ele foi rejeitado como sendo: "combatente para auxiliar dever - e muito fraco. Imprópria Incapaz de portar armas."

The outbreak of the First World War provided him with an opportunity for a fresh start. A eclosão da Primeira Guerra Mundial proporcionou-lhe uma oportunidade para um recomeço. It was a chance for him to become involved in proving that Germany was superior to other European countries. Era uma chance para ele se envolver em provar que a Alemanha foi superior a outros países europeus. Hitler claimed that when he heard the news of war: "I was overcome with impetuous enthusiasm, and falling on my knees, wholeheartedly thanked Heaven that I had been granted the happiness to live live at this time. Rejecting the idea of fighting for Austria , Hitler volunteered for the German Army . In times of war medical examinations are not so rigorous. Hitler afirmou que quando ouviu as notícias da guerra: "Fui vencido com entusiasmo impetuoso, e caindo de joelhos, sinceramente agradeceu ao céu que eu tinha sido concedida a felicidade de viver ao vivo neste momento para. Rejeitando a idéia de lutar contra a Áustria , Hitler se voluntariou para o Exército alemão . Em tempos de guerra exames médicos não são tão rigorosos.

Hitler liked being in the army. Hitler gostava de estar no exército. For the first time he was part of a group that was fighting for a common goal. Pela primeira vez, ele fazia parte de um grupo que estava lutando por um objetivo comum. Hitler also liked the excitement of fighting in a war. Hitler também gostava da excitação de lutar em uma guerra. Although fairly cautious in his actions, he did not mind risking his life and impressed his commanding officers for volunteering for dangerous missions. Apesar de bastante cauteloso em suas ações, ele não se importava de arriscar sua vida e impressionou seus oficiais comandantes de voluntariado para missões perigosas.

His fellow soldiers described him as "odd" and "peculiar". Seus companheiros o descreveu como "estranho" e "peculiar". One soldier from his regiment, Hans Mend, claimed that Hitler was an isolated figure who spent long periods of time sitting in the corner holding his head in silence. Um soldado de seu regimento, Hans Mend, declarou que Hitler era uma figura isolada, que passou longos períodos de tempo sentado no canto, segurando a cabeça em silêncio. Then all of a sudden, Mend claimed, he would jump up and make a speech. Então, de repente, Mend afirmou, ele pulava para cima e fazer um discurso. These outbursts were usually attacks on Jews and Marxists who Hitler claimed were undermining the war effort. Estas explosões eram geralmente os ataques a judeus e marxistas que Hitler reivindicou foram minando o esforço de guerra.

Hitler was given the job of despatch-runner. Hitler foi dada a tarefa de-corredor da expedição. It was a dangerous job as it involved carrying messages from regimental headquarters to the front-line. Era um trabalho perigoso, pois envolveu portadores de mensagens da sede regimental para a linha de frente. On one day alone, three out of eight of the regiment's despatch-runners were killed. Em apenas um dia, três dos oito do regimento de expedição corredores foram mortos. For the first time since he was at primary school Hitler was a success. Pela primeira vez desde que ele era na escola primária de Hitler foi um sucesso.

Hitler won five medals including the prestigious Iron Cross during the First World War . Hitler ganhou cinco medalhas, incluindo a prestigiosa Cruz de Ferro durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial . His commanding officer wrote: "As a dispatch-runner, he has shown cold-blooded courage and exemplary boldness. Under conditions of great peril, when all the communication lines were cut, the untiring and fearless activity of Hitler made it possible for important messages to go through". Seu comandante escreveu: como uma expedição, corredor, ele mostrou sangue frio e coragem, exemplar. Ousadia "Em condições de grande perigo, quando todas as linhas de comunicação foram cortadas, a atividade incansável e destemido de Hitler tornou possível para mensagens importantes para percorrer ".

Although much decorated in the war, Hitler only reached the rank of corporal. Embora muito condecorado na guerra, Hitler só chegou ao posto de cabo. This was probably due to his eccentric behaviour and the fear that the other soldiers might not obey the man they considered so strange. Esta foi provavelmente devido ao seu comportamento excêntrico e do medo que os outros soldados para não obedecer o homem que eles consideravam tão estranho.

In October 1918, Hitler was blinded in a British mustard gas attack. Em outubro de 1918, Hitler ficou cego de um britânico de gás mostarda ataque. He was sent to a military hospital and gradually recovered his sight. Ele foi enviado para um hospital militar e, gradualmente, recuperou sua visão. While he was in hospital Germany surrendered. Enquanto ele estava no hospital Alemanha se rendeu. Hitler went into a state of deep depression, and had periods when he could not stop crying. Hitler entrou em um estado de profunda depressão, e teve períodos em que não conseguia parar de chorar. He spent most of his time turned towards the hospital wall refusing to talk to anyone. Ele passou a maior parte de seu tempo voltado para o muro do hospital se recusar a falar com ninguém. Once again Hitler's efforts had ended in failure. Mais uma vez os esforços Hitler tinha terminado em fracasso.

After the war Hitler was stationed in Munich, the capital of Bavaria. Depois da guerra, Hitler foi postado em Munique, a capital da Baviera. While Hitler was in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, Kurt Eisner , leader of the Independent Socialist Party , declared Bavaria a Socialist Republic. Enquanto Hitler em Munique, a capital da Baviera, Kurt Eisner , o líder do Partido Socialista Independente , declarada uma República Socialista da Baviera. Hitler was appalled by the revolution. Hitler ficou horrorizado com a revolução. As a German Nationalist he disagreed with the socialist belief in equality. Como um nacionalista alemão discordava da crença socialista em matéria de igualdade.

Hitler saw socialism as part of a Jewish conspiracy. Hitler viu o socialismo como parte de uma conspiração judaica. Many of the socialist leaders in Germany, including Kurt Eisner , Rosa Luxemburg , Ernst Toller and Eugen Levine were Jews. Muitos dos líderes socialistas, na Alemanha, incluindo Kurt Eisner , Rosa Luxemburgo , Ernst Toller e Eugen Levine eram judeus. So also were many of the leaders of the October Revolution in Russia . Assim também foram muitos dos líderes da Revolução de Outubro na Rússia . This included Leon Trotsky , Gregory Zinoviev , Lev Kamenev , Dimitri Bogrov , Karl Radek , Yakov Sverdlov , Maxim Litvinov , Adolf Joffe , and Moisei Uritsky . Isto incluiu a Leon Trotsky , Gregory Zinoviev , Lev Kamenev , Dimitri Bogrov , Karl Radek , Yakov Sverdlov , Maxim Litvinov , Adolf Joffe , e Moisei Uritsky . It had not escaped Hitler's notice that Karl Marx , the prophet of socialism, had also been a Jew. Não havia escapado de aviso a Hitler que Karl Marx , o profeta do socialismo, também havia sido um judeu.

It was no coincidence that Jews had joined socialist and communist parties in Europe. Não foi por acaso que os judeus haviam se juntado e comunista partidos socialistas na Europa. Jews had been persecuted for centuries and therefore were attracted to a movement that proclaimed that all men and women deserved to be treated as equals. Judeus foram perseguidos durante séculos e, portanto, foram atraídos para um movimento que proclamou que todos os homens e as mulheres mereciam ser tratados como iguais. This message was reinforced when on 10th July, 1918, the Bolshevik government in Russia passed a law that abolished all discrimination between Jews and non-Jews. Esta mensagem foi reforçada quando, em 10 de julho de 1918, os bolcheviques governo na Rússia aprovou uma lei que aboliu todos os discriminação entre judeus e não judeus.

It was not until May, 1919 that the German Army entered Munich and overthrew the Bavarian Socialist Republic . Não foi até maio de 1919 que o exército alemão entrou Munique e derrubou a República Socialista da Baviera . Hitler was arrested with other soldiers in Munich and was accused of being a socialist. Hitler foi preso com outros soldados em Munique e foi acusado de ser um socialista. Hundreds of socialists were executed without trial but Hitler was able to convince them that he had been an opponent of the regime. Centenas de socialistas foram executados sem julgamento, mas Hitler foi capaz de convencê-los de que tinha sido um opositor do regime. To prove this he volunteered to help to identify soldiers who had supported the Socialist Republic. Para provar isso, ele se ofereceu para ajudar a identificar os soldados que haviam apoiado a República Socialista. The authorities agreed to this proposal and Hitler was transferred to the commission investigating the revolution. As autoridades concordaram com esta proposta e Hitler foi transferido para a comissão de investigação da revolução.

Information supplied by Hitler helped to track down several soldiers involved in the uprising. Informação fornecida por Hitler ajudou a rastrear vários soldados envolvidos na revolta. His officers were impressed by his hostility to left-wing ideas and he was recruited as a political officer. Seus oficiais ficaram impressionados com sua hostilidade para com as idéias da ala esquerda e foi recrutado como agente político. Hitler's new job was to lecture soldiers on politics. novo trabalho de Hitler foi a palestra sobre a política soldados. The main aim was to promote his political philosophy favoured by the army and help to combat the influence of the Russian Revolution on the German soldiers. O principal objectivo foi promover a sua filosofia política favorecida pelo exército e ajudar a combater a influência da Revolução Russa sobre os soldados alemães.

Hitler, who had for years been ignored when he made political speeches, now had a captive audience. Hitler, que durante anos foi ignorada quando ele fez discursos políticos, já tinha um público cativo. The political climate had also changed. O clima político também havia mudado. Germany was a defeated and disillusioned country. A Alemanha era um país derrotado e desiludido. At Versailles the German government had been forced to sign a peace treaty that gave away 13% of her territory. No Versailles o governo alemão tinha sido forçado a assinar um tratado de paz que deu 13% de seu território. This meant the loss of 6 million people, a large percentage of her raw materials (65% of iron ore reserves, 45% of her coal, 72% of her zinc) and 10% of her factories. Isto significou a perda de 6 milhões de pessoas, uma grande porcentagem de sua matéria-prima (65% das reservas de minério de ferro, 45% de seu carvão, 72% de sua zinco) e 10% de sua fábricas. Germany also lost all her overseas colonies. A Alemanha também perdeu todas as suas colônias ultramarinas.

Under the terms of the Versailles Treaty Germany also had to pay for damage caused by the war. Sob os termos do Tratado de Versalhes, a Alemanha também teve que pagar pelos danos causados pela guerra. These reparations amounted to 38% of her national wealth. Estas reparações representou 38% da sua riqueza nacional.

Hitler was no longer isolated. Hitler já não era isolada. The German soldiers who attended his lectures shared his sense of failure. Os soldados alemães que assistiram suas palestras compartilhou seu sentimento de fracasso. They found his message that they were not to blame attractive. Eles encontraram a sua mensagem de que eles não tinham culpa atraente. He told them that Germany had not been beaten on the battlefield but had been betrayed by Jews and Marxists who had preached revolution and undermined the war effort. Ele lhes disse que a Alemanha não tinha sido batido em campo de batalha, mas tinha sido traído por judeus e marxistas que pregou a revolução e minou o esforço de guerra.

The German Army also began using Hitler as a spy. O Exército Alemão Hitler também começou a usar como um espião. In September 1919, he was instructed to attend a meeting of the German Worker's Party (GWP). Em setembro de 1919, ele foi orientado a comparecer a uma reunião do Partido do Trabalhador Alemão (PAG). The army feared that this new party, led by Anton Drexler , might be advocating communist revolution. O Exército temia que este novo partido, liderado por Anton Drexler , pode ser defender a revolução comunista. Hitler discovered that the party's political ideas were similar to his own. Hitler descobriu que é o partido político idéias eram semelhantes às suas próprias. He approved of Drexler's German nationalism and anti-Semitism but was unimpressed with the way the party was organized. Ele aprovou o alemão Drexler nacionalismo eo anti-semitismo, mas não se impressionou com a forma como a festa foi organizada. Although there as a spy, Hitler could not restrain himself when a member made a point he disagreed with, and he stood up and made a passionate speech on the subject. Embora não haja como um espião, Hitler não se conteve quando um membro fez um ponto que ele discordava, e ele se levantou e fez um discurso apaixonado sobre o assunto.

Drexler was impressed with Hitler's abilities as an orator and invited him to join the party. Drexler ficou impressionado com as habilidades de Hitler como orador e convidou para participar da festa. At first Hitler was reluctant, but urged on by his commanding officer, Captain Karl Mayr, he eventually agreed. Na primeira Hitler estava relutante, mas instigado pelo seu comandante, Capitão Karl Mayr, ele finalmente concordou. He was only the fifty-fourth person to join the GWP. Ele tinha apenas quinquagésimo quarto da pessoa para se juntar ao PAG. Hitler was immediately asked to join the executive committee and was later appointed the party's propaganda manager. Hitler foi imediatamente convidado a participar do comitê executivo e foi mais tarde nomeado partido propaganda gerente.

In the next few weeks Hitler brought several members of his army into the party, including one of his commanding officers, Captain Ernst Roehm . Em poucas semanas que se seguiram Hitler trouxe vários membros de seu exército para a festa, incluindo um de seus comandantes, o Capitão Ernst Roehm . The arrival of Roehm was an important development as he had access to the army political fund and was able to transfer some of the money into the GWP. A chegada de Roehm era um acontecimento importante como ele tinha acesso ao fundo político do Exército e era capaz de transferir parte do dinheiro para o GWP.

The German Worker's Party used some of this money to advertise their meetings. O Partido do Trabalhador Alemão usado parte desse dinheiro para fazer propaganda de suas reuniões. Hitler was often the main speaker and it was during this period that he developed the techniques that made him into such a persuasive orator. Hitler era muitas vezes o principal orador, e foi durante esse período que ele desenvolveu as técnicas que fizeram dele um orador tão persuasiva.

The Hitler File O arquivo de Hitler

The Last of the Hitlers O Último dos Hitlers

Hitler always arrived late which helped to develop tension and a sense of expectation. Hitler sempre chegou atrasado que ajudou a desenvolver tensão e uma sensação de expectativa. He took the stage, stood to attention and waited until there was complete silence before he started his speech. Ele subiu ao palco, chamava a atenção e esperou até que houve um completo silêncio, antes que ele começou o seu discurso. For the first few months Hitler appeared nervous and spoke haltingly. Para os poucos primeiros meses Hitler parecia nervoso e falou pausadamente. Slowly he would begin to relax and his style of delivery would change. Lentamente, ele começa a relaxar e seu estilo de entrega mudaria. He would start to rock from side to side and begin to gesticulate with his hands. Ele começaria a rocha de lado a lado e começar a gesticular com as mãos. His voice would get louder and become more passionate. Sua voz ficava mais alto e tornar-se mais apaixonada. Sweat poured of him, his face turned white, his eyes bulged and his voice cracked with emotion. O suor escorria dele, seu rosto ficou branco, seus olhos se arregalaram e sua voz rachada de emoção. He ranted and raved about the injustices done to Germany and played on his audience's emotions of hatred and envy. Ele falasse e ficaram entusiasmados com as injustiças cometidas para a Alemanha e jogou na platéia as suas emoções de ódio e inveja. By the end of the speech the audience would be in a state of near hysteria and were willing to do whatever Hitler suggested. Ao final do discurso o público estaria em um estado de histeria e estavam dispostos a fazer o que Hitler sugeriu.

As soon as his speech finished Hitler would quickly leave the stage and disappear from view. Tão logo terminou o seu discurso de Hitler rapidamente deixar o palco e desaparecer de vista. Refusing to be photographed, Hitler's aim was to create an air of mystery about himself, hoping that it would encourage others to come and hear the man who was now being described as "the new Messiah". Recusando-se a ser fotografado, o objectivo de Hitler era criar um ar de mistério sobre si mesmo, esperando que isso encorajaria outros a vir e ouvir o homem que agora estava sendo descrita como "o novo Messias".

Hitler's reputation as an orator grew and it soon became clear that he was the main reason why people were joining the party. a reputação de Hitler como orador cresceu e logo ficou claro que ele era o principal motivo pelo qual as pessoas foram se juntar à festa. This gave Hitler tremendous power within the organization as they knew they could not afford to lose him. Isso deu a Hitler um tremendo poder dentro da organização como eles sabiam que não podiam dar ao luxo de perdê-lo. One change suggested by Hitler concerned adding "Socialist" to the name of the party. Uma das alterações sugeridas por Hitler em causa acrescentando que "socialista" ao nome do partido. Hitler had always been hostile to socialist ideas, especially those that involved racial or sexual equality. Hitler tinha sido sempre hostil às idéias socialistas, especialmente aqueles que a igualdade racial ou sexual envolvido. However, socialism was a popular political philosophy in Germany after the First World War . No entanto, o socialismo era uma filosofia política popular na Alemanha após a Primeira Guerra Mundial . This was reflected in the growth in the German Social Democrat Party (SDP), the largest political party in Germany. Isto se refletiu no crescimento do Social Democrata Alemão (SPD), o maior partido político na Alemanha.

Hitler, therefore redefined socialism by placing the word 'National' before it. Hitler, portanto, redefinido o socialismo nacional, colocando a palavra "antes dele. He claimed he was only in favour of equality for those who had "German blood". Ele alegou que estava apenas em favor da igualdade para aqueles que tinham "sangue alemão". Jews and other "aliens" would lose their rights of citizenship, and immigration of non-Germans should be brought to an end. Judeus e outros "estrangeiros" perderia seus direitos de cidadania e imigração de não-alemães deve ser trazido a um fim.

In February 1920, the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) published its first programme which became known as the "25 Points". Em fevereiro de 1920, o Nacional-Socialista Alemão dos Trabalhadores (NSDAP) publicou o seu primeiro programa que ficou conhecido como o "25 Pontos". In the programme the party refused to accept the terms of the Versailles Treaty and called for the reunification of all German people. No programa do partido se recusou a aceitar os termos do Tratado de Versalhes e apelou para a reunificação de todo o povo alemão. To reinforce their ideas on nationalism, equal rights were only to be given to German citizens. Para reforçar suas idéias sobre o nacionalismo, a igualdade de direitos foram apenas para ser dada aos cidadãos alemães. "Foreigners" and "aliens" would be denied these rights. "Estrangeiros" e "estrangeiros" seria negar esses direitos.

To appeal to the working class and socialists, the programme included several measures that would redistribute income and war profits, profit-sharing in large industries, nationalization of trusts, increases in old-age pensions and free education. Para apelar à classe trabalhadora e os socialistas, o programa inclui diversas medidas que iria distribuir a renda e os lucros de guerra, de divisão de lucros em grandes indústrias, nacionalização de trustes, os aumentos de pensões de velhice e de ensino gratuito.

The Third Reich O Terceiro Reich

Visions of Victory Visões da Vitória

On 24th February, 1920, the NSDAP (later nicknamed the Nazi Party ) held a mass rally where it announced its new programme. Em 24 de fevereiro de 1920, o NSDAP (mais tarde apelidado de o Partido Nazista ) realizou um comício onde anunciou seu novo programa. The rally was attended by over 2,000 people, a great improvement on the 25 people who were at Hitler's first party meeting. A manifestação contou com mais de 2.000 pessoas, uma grande melhoria em relação a 25 pessoas que estavam no primeiro encontro do partido de Hitler.

Hitler knew that the growth in the party was mainly due to his skills as an orator and in the autumn of 1921 he challenged Anton Drexler for the leadership of the party. Hitler sabia que o crescimento do partido foi devido principalmente a suas habilidades como orador e, no Outono de 1921, ele desafiou Anton Drexler para a liderança do partido. After brief resistance Drexler accepted the inevitable, and Hitler became the new leader of the Nazi Party . Depois de breve resistência Drexler aceitou o inevitável, e Hitler se tornou o novo líder do Partido Nazista .

Hitler's ability to arouse in his supporters emotions of anger and hate often resulted in their committing acts of violence. a habilidade de Hitler para despertar em seus apoiantes emoções de raiva e ódio, muitas vezes resultou em sua cometer atos de violência. In September 1921, Hitler was sent to prison for three months for being part of a mob who beat up a rival politician. Em setembro de 1921, Hitler foi enviado à prisão por três meses para ser parte de uma multidão que bater um político rival.

When Hitler was released, he formed his own private army called Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section). Quando Hitler foi libertado, ele formou seu próprio exército particular chamado Sturm Abteilung (Storm Secção). The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents and to protect Hitler from revenge attacks. A SA (também conhecido como stormtroopers ou camisas pardas) foram orientados a interromper as reuniões de opositores políticos e proteger Hitler contra ataques de vingança. Captain Ernst Roehm of the Bavarian Army played an important role in recruiting these men, and Hermann Goering , a former air-force pilot, became their leader. Capitão Ernst Roehm do Exército da Baviera desempenhou um papel importante no recrutamento desses homens, e Hermann Goering , um piloto da força aérea antiga, tornou-se seu líder.

Hitler's stormtroopers were often former members of the Freikorps (right-wing private armies who flourished during the period that followed the First World War ) and had considerable experience in using violence against their rivals. de stormtroopers Hitler eram muitas vezes ex-membros do Freikorps (direita exércitos privados que floresceu durante o período que se seguiu à Primeira Guerra Mundial ) e teve uma experiência considerável na utilização de violência contra seus rivais.

The SA wore grey jackets, brown shirts (khaki shirts originally intended for soldiers in Africa but purchased in bulk from the German Army by the Nazi Party ), swastika armbands, ski-caps, knee-breeches, thick woolen socks and combat boots. A SA usavam jaquetas cinza, camisas pardas (camisas cáqui originalmente destinados para os soldados na África, mas compra a granel do exército alemão pelo Partido Nazista ), braçadeiras suásticas, esqui-bonés, calções, meias grossas de lã e botas de combate. Accompanied by bands of musicians and carrying swastika flags, they would parade through the streets of Munich. Acompanhados por bandas de músicos e carregando bandeiras da suástica, eles desfilam pelas ruas de Munique. At the end of the march Hitler would make one of his passionate speeches that encouraged his supporters to carry out acts of violence against Jews and his left-wing political opponents. No final da marcha de Hitler faria um dos seus apaixonados discursos que incentivaram seus simpatizantes para realizar atos de violência contra os judeus e os seus oponentes de esquerda política.

As this violence was often directed against Socialists and Communists, the local right-wing Bavarian government did not take action against the Nazi Party . Como essa violência muitas vezes era dirigido contra socialistas e comunistas, da Baviera de direita do governo local não tomou medidas contra o Partido Nazista . However, the national government in Berlin were concerned and passed a "Law for the Protection of the Republic". No entanto, o governo nacional em Berlim estavam preocupados e aprovou uma "Lei para a Proteção da República". Hitler's response was to organize a rally attended by 40,000 people. de resposta de Hitler foi organizar um comício com a participação de 40.000 pessoas. At the meeting Hitler called for the overthrow of the German government and even suggested that its leaders should be executed. Na mesma reunião, Hitler pediu a derrubada do governo alemão e até mesmo sugeriu que os seus líderes devem ser executadas.

In 1923 the German Government had to deal with a series of difficult problems. Em 1923 o governo alemão teve que lidar com uma série de problemas difíceis. In January the French Army occupied the Ruhr because they claimed Germany was falling behind with her reparations. Em janeiro, o exército francês ocupou o Ruhr , pois eles alegaram Alemanha foi ficando para trás com sua reparação. Workers in the Ruhr responded by going on strike which badly hurt the German economy. Trabalhadores do Ruhr respondeu entrar em greve, que ferido a economia alemã. One of the consequences of this was rapid inflation . Uma das conseqüências disso foi rápida inflação . As people found their savings becoming worthless, they turned against their government. Como as pessoas encontraram suas economias tornando-se inútil, eles se voltaram contra seu governo.

On 13th August, Gustav Stresemann became the new Chancellor of Germany. Em 13 de agosto, Gustav Stresemann tornou-se o novo chanceler da Alemanha. When Stresemann decided to call off resistance to the French occupation of the Ruhr and to start paying reparations to the Allies again, Hitler decided it was time for him to become the new leader of Germany. Quando Stresemann decidiu suspender a resistência à ocupação francesa do Ruhr e começar a pagar indenizações aos Aliados mais uma vez, Hitler decidiu que era hora de ele se tornar o novo líder da Alemanha.

On 8th November, 1923, the Bavarian government held a meeting of about 3,000 officials. Em 08 de novembro de 1923, o governo bávaro realizou uma reunião de cerca de 3.000 funcionários. While Gustav von Kahr , the leader of the Bavarian government was making a speech, Hitler and armed stormtroopers entering the building. Enquanto Gustav von Kahr , o líder do governo da Baviera estava fazendo um discurso, Hitler e stormtroopers armados entrando no prédio. Hitler jumped onto a table, fired two shots in the air and told the audience that the Munich Putsch was taking place and the National Revolution had began. Hitler subiu em uma mesa, dispararam dois tiros para o ar e disse à platéia que o Putsch de Munique estava ocorrendo ea Revolução Nacional, teve início.

Leaving Hermann Goering and the SA to guard the 3,000 officials, Hitler took Gustav von Kahr , Otto von Lossow, the commander of the Bavarian Army and Hans von Seisser, the commandant of the Bavarian State Police into an adjoining room. Deixando de Hermann Goering e do SA para proteger os 3.000 funcionários, Hitler tomou Gustav von Kahr , Otto von Lossow, o comandante do Exército da Baviera e Hans von Seisser, o comandante da Polícia do Estado da Baviera em uma sala adjacente. Hitler told the men that he was to be the new leader of Germany and offered them posts in his new government. Hitler disse ao homem que ele era para ser o novo líder da Alemanha e ofereceu-lhes cargos em seu novo governo. Aware that this would be an act of high treason, the three men were initially reluctant to agree to this offer. Ciente de que este seria um ato de alta traição, os três homens foram inicialmente relutante em aceitar esta oferta. Hitler was furious and threatened to shoot them and then commit suicide: "I have three bullets for you, gentlemen, and one for me!" Hitler ficou furioso e ameaçou matá-los e, em seguida, cometer suicídio: "Tenho três balas para você, Senhores Deputados, e uma para mim!" After this the three men agreed. Depois disto, os três homens acordados.

Soon afterwards Eric Ludendorff arrived. Logo depois, Eric Ludendorff chegou. Ludendorff had been leader of the German Army at the end of the First World War . Ludendorff tinha sido líder do exército alemão no final da Primeira Guerra Mundial . He had therefore found Hitler's claim that the war had not been lost by the army but by Jews, Socialists, Communists and the German government, attractive, and was a strong supporter of the Nazi Party . Ele tinha, portanto, encontrado alegação de Hitler que a guerra não tivesse sido perdida pelo exército, mas por judeus, socialistas, comunistas e do governo alemão, atraente, e era um forte defensor do Partido Nazista . Ludendorff agreed to become head of the the German Army in Hitler's government. Ludendorff concordou em se tornar chefe do exército alemão no governo de Hitler.

While Hitler had been appointing government ministers, Ernst Roehm , leading a group of stormtroopers, had seized the War Ministry and Rudolf Hess was arranging the arrest of Jews and left-wing political leaders in Bavaria. Enquanto Hitler tinha sido nomeação de ministros do governo, Ernst Roehm , liderando um grupo de Stormtroopers, tomou o Ministério da Guerra e Rudolf Hess estava organizando a prisão de judeus e de esquerda, líderes políticos, na Baviera.

Hitler now planned to march on Berlin and remove the national government. Hitler já planejava marchar em Berlim e remover o governo nacional. Surprisingly, Hitler had not arranged for the stormtroopers to take control of the radio stations and the telegraph offices. Surpreendentemente, Hitler não tinha arranjado para os stormtroopers para assumir o controle das estações de rádio e os escritórios do telégrafo. This meant that the national government in Berlin soon heard about Hitler's putsch and gave orders for it to be crushed. Isso significava que o governo nacional em Berlim logo ouvido falar do golpe de Hitler e deu ordens para que seja esmagado.

The next day Hitler, Eric Ludendorff , Hermann Goering and 3,000 armed supporters of the Nazi Party marched through Munich in an attempt to join up with Roehm's forces at the War Ministry. No dia seguinte, Hitler, Eric Ludendorff , Hermann Goering e 3.000 apoiantes armados do Partido Nazista marcharam através de Munique, na tentativa de juntar-se com as forças Roehm no Ministério da Guerra. At Odensplatz they found the road blocked by the Munich police. No Odensplatz encontraram a estrada bloqueada pela polícia de Munique. As they refused to stop, the police fired into the ground in front of the marchers. Como eles se recusaram a parar, a polícia disparou para o chão na frente dos manifestantes. The stormtroopers returned the fire and during the next few minutes 21 people were killed and another hundred were wounded, included Goering. Os stormtroopers revidaram e, durante os poucos minutos seguintes 21 pessoas foram mortas e outras cem ficaram feridos, incluídos Goering.

When the firing started Hitler threw himself to the ground dislocating his shoulder. Quando o fogo começou Hitler se jogou no chão de deslocar o ombro. Hitler lost his nerve and ran to a nearby car. Hitler perdeu a coragem e correu para um carro nas proximidades. Although the police were outnumbered, the Nazis followed their leader's example and ran away. Embora a polícia estava em desvantagem numérica, os nazistas seguiram líder do seu exemplo e fugiu. Only Eric Ludendorff and his adjutant continued walking towards the police. Só Eric Ludendorff e seu ajudante continuou caminhando em direção à polícia. Later Nazi historians were to claim that the reason Hitler left the scene so quickly was because he had to rush an injured young boy to the local hospital. Nazista historiadores posteriores foram a alegação de que a razão Hitler saiu de cena tão rapidamente porque ele teve que apressar um jovem rapaz ferido para o hospital local.

After hiding in a friend's house for several days, Hitler was arrested and put on trial for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch . Depois de se esconder na casa de um amigo durante vários dias, Hitler foi preso e levado a julgamento por seu papel no Putsch . If found guilty, Hitler faced the death penalty. Se for considerado culpado, Hitler enfrentou a pena de morte. While in prison Hitler suffered from depression and talked of committing suicide. Enquanto estava na prisão Hitler sofria de depressão e falou de cometer suicídio. However, it soon became clear that the Nazi sympathizers in the Bavarian government were going to make sure that Hitler would not be punished severely. No entanto, logo ficou claro que os simpatizantes nazistas no governo da Baviera estava indo para ter certeza de que Hitler não seria punido severamente.

At his trial Hitler was allowed to turn the proceedings into a political rally, and although he was found guilty he only received the minimum sentence of five years. Em seu julgamento Hitler foi autorizada a transformar o processo em um comício político, e embora fosse considerado culpado, ele só recebeu a pena mínima de cinco anos. Other members of the Nazi Party also received light sentences and Eric Ludendorff was acquitted. Outros membros do Partido Nazista também receberam penas leves e Eric Ludendorff foi absolvido.

Hitler was sent to Landsberg Castle in Munich to serve his prison sentence. Hitler foi enviado ao Castelo de Landsberg, em Munique para servir sua sentença de prisão. He was treated well and was allowed to walk in the castle grounds, wear his own clothes and receive gifts. Ele foi muito bem tratado e foi autorizada a passear nos terrenos do castelo, usar suas próprias roupas e receber presentes. Officially there were restrictions on visitors but this did not apply to Hitler, and a steady flow of friends, party members and journalists spent long spells with him. Oficialmente, houve restrições sobre os visitantes, mas isso não se aplica a Hitler, e um fluxo constante de amigos, membros de partidos e jornalistas passou longos períodos de tempo com ele. He was even allowed to have visits from his pet Alsatian dog. Ele foi ainda autorizado a receber visitas de seu cão de estimação da Alsácia.

While in Landsberg he read a lot of books. Enquanto em Landsberg leu um monte de livros. Most of these dealt with German history and political philosophy. A maioria destes tratados história alemã e da filosofia política. Later he was to describe his spell in prison as a "free education at the state's expense." Mais tarde ele foi para descrever seu período na prisão como uma "educação gratuita a expensas do Estado." One writer who influenced Hitler while in prison was Henry Ford , the American car-manufacturer. Um escritor que influenciou Hitler na prisão foi Henry Ford , o fabricante de automóveis americana. Hitler read Ford's autobiography, My Life and Work , and a book of his called The International Jew . Hitler leu a autobiografia de Ford, Minha Vida e do Trabalho, e um livro de seu chamado O Judeu Internacional. In the latter Ford claimed that there was a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. Na Ford este afirmou que havia uma conspiração judaica para dominar o mundo. Hitler also approved of Ford's hostile views towards communism and trade unions. Hitler também aprovou hostil vistas da Ford e os sindicatos para o comunismo.

Max Amnan , his business manager, proposed that Hitler should spend his time in prison writing his autobiography. Max Amnan , seu empresário, propôs que Hitler deveria gastar seu tempo na prisão, escrevendo sua autobiografia. Hitler, who had never fully mastered writing, was at first not keen on the idea. Hitler, que nunca tinha totalmente dominado por escrito, não estava em primeiro entusiasmado com a idéia. However, he agreed when it was suggested that he should dictate his thoughts to a ghostwriter. No entanto, ele concordou quando foi sugerido que ele deve ditar seus pensamentos para um ghostwriter. The prison authorities surprisingly agreed that Hitler's chauffeur, Emil Maurice , could live in the prison to carry out this task. As autoridades da prisão surpreendentemente concordou que é motorista de Hitler, Emil Maurice , poderia viver na prisão para realizar esta tarefa.

Maurice, whose main talent was as a street fighter, was a poor writer and the job was eventually taken over by Rudolf Hess , a student at Munich University. Maurice, cujo principal talento era como um lutador de rua, era um pobre escritor eo trabalho acabou por ser tomado por Rudolf Hess , um estudante na Universidade de Munique. Hess made a valiant attempt at turning Hitler's spoken ideas into prose. Hess fez uma tentativa corajosa de transformar idéias de Hitler falado em prosa. However, the book that Hitler wrote in prison was repetitive, confused, turgid and therefore, extremely difficult to read. No entanto, o livro que Hitler escreveu na prisão, era repetitivo, confuso, túrgido e, portanto, extremamente difícil de ler. In his writing, Hitler was unable to use the passionate voice and dramatic bodily gestures which he had used so effectively in his speeches, to convey his message. Na sua escrita, Hitler foi capaz de usar a voz passional e dramática gestos corporais que ele tinha usado de forma eficaz em seus discursos, para transmitir sua mensagem.

The book was originally entitled Four Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice . O livro foi originalmente intitulado quatro anos de luta contra mentiras, estupidez e covardia . Hitler's publisher reduced it to My Struggle ( Mein Kampf ). É editor de Hitler reduziu a Minha Luta ( Mein Kampf ). The book is a mixture of autobiography, political ideas and an explanation of the techniques of propaganda. O livro é uma mistura de autobiografia, idéias políticas e uma explicação das técnicas de propaganda. The autobiographical details in Mein Kampf are often inaccurate, and the main purpose of this part of the book appears to be to provide a positive image of Hitler. Os detalhes autobiográficos em "Mein Kampf" é muitas vezes imprecisa, e o objetivo principal desta parte do livro parece ser a de fornecer uma imagem positiva de Hitler. For example, when Hitler was living a life of leisure in Vienna he claims he was working hard as a labourer. Por exemplo, quando Hitler estava vivendo uma vida de lazer em Viena, ele alega que estava trabalhando como operário.

In Mein Kampf Hitler outlined his political philosophy. Em "Mein Kampf" de Hitler esboçou sua filosofia política. He argued that the German (he wrongly described them as the Aryan race) was superior to all others. Ele argumentou que o alemão (que ele descreveu como erroneamente a raça ariana) era superior a todos os outros. "Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, which we see before our eyes today, is almost exclusively the product of Aryan creative power." "Toda manifestação da cultura humana, todos os produtos de arte, ciência e habilidade técnica, o que vemos diante de nossos olhos hoje, é quase exclusivamente o produto de Ariano poder criativo."

Hitler warned that the Aryan's superiority was being threatened by intermarriage. Hitler advertiu que a superioridade ariana estava sendo ameaçado por casamentos mistos. If this happened world civilization would decline: "On this planet of ours human culture and civilization are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he should be exterminated or subjugated, then the dark shroud of a new barbarian era would enfold the earth." Se esta civilização mundial cairia aconteceu: "Neste nosso planeta a cultura humana e da civilização estão indissoluvelmente ligados com a presença dos arianos terra. Se ele deve ser exterminados ou subjugados, então o manto escuro de novo era um bárbaro que a envolvem ".

Although other races would resist this process, the Aryan race had a duty to control the world. Embora outras raças que resistir a este processo, a raça ariana tinha o dever de controlar o mundo. This would be difficult and force would have to be used, but it could be done. Isto seria difícil e força teria que ser usado, mas isso poderia ser feito. To support this view he gave the example of how the British Empire had controlled a quarter of the world by being well-organised and having well-timed soldiers and sailors. Para apoiar esta visão que ele deu o exemplo de como o império britânico havia controlado quarto do mundo por ser bem organizado e ter cronometrado soldados bem e marinheiros.

Hitler 1889-1936 Hitler 1889-1936

Hitler 1889-1936 Hitler 1889-1936

Hitler believed that Aryan superiority was being threatened particularly by the Jewish race who, he argued, were lazy and had contributed little to world civilization. Hitler acreditava que a superioridade ariana estava sendo ameaçado principalmente pela raça judia que, segundo ele, eram preguiçosos e que pouco contribuíram para a civilização mundial. (Hitler ignored the fact that some of his favourite composers and musicians were Jewish). (Hitler ignorou o fato de que alguns dos seus compositores favoritos e os músicos eram judeus). He claimed that the "Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end satanically glaring at and spying on the unconscious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate." Ele alegou que a juventude judaica "encontra-se em esperar por horas a fio olhando para satanicamente e espionando a garota inconsciente a quem pretende seduzir, adulterando o seu sangue com a idéia final do bastardizing da raça branca que eles odeiam e assim diminuir a sua identidade cultural e nível político para que o judeu poderia dominar. "

According to Hitler, Jews were responsible for everything he did not like, including modern art, pornography and prostitution. De acordo com Hitler, os judeus eram responsáveis por tudo que ele não gostava, inclusive da arte moderna, a pornografia ea prostituição. Hitler also alleged that the Jews had been responsible for losing the First World War . Hitler também alegou que os judeus haviam sido responsáveis pela perda da Primeira Guerra Mundial . Hitler also claimed that Jews, who were only about 1% of the population, were slowly taking over the country. Hitler também afirmou que os judeus, que eram apenas cerca de 1% da população, foram lentamente assumindo o controle do país. They were doing this by controlling the largest political party in Germany, the German Social Democrat Party , many of the leading companies and several of the country's newspapers. Eles estavam fazendo isso controlando o maior partido político na Alemanha, o Partido Social Democrata alemão , muitas das empresas líderes e vários jornais do país. The fact that Jews had achieved prominent positions in a democratic society was, according to Hitler, an argument against democracy: "a hundred blockheads do not equal one man in wisdom." O fato de que os judeus tinham alcançado posições de destaque em uma sociedade democrática foi, de acordo com Hitler, um argumento contra a democracia: "uma centena de imbecis, não um homem iguais em sabedoria."

Hitler believed that the Jews were involved with Communists in a joint conspiracy to take over the world. Hitler acreditava que os judeus estavam envolvidos com os comunistas em uma conspiração conjunta para dominar o mundo. Like Henry Ford , Hitler claimed that 75% of all Communists were Jews. Como Henry Ford , Hitler afirmou que 75% de todos os comunistas eram judeus. Hitler argued that the combination of Jews and Marxists had already been successful in Russia and now threatened the rest of Europe. Hitler argumentou que a combinação de judeus e os marxistas já haviam sido sucesso na Rússia e agora ameaçava o resto da Europa. He argued that the communist revolution was an act of revenge that attempted to disguise the inferiority of the Jews. Ele argumentou que a revolução comunista foi um ato de vingança que tentou disfarçar a inferioridade dos judeus.

In Mein Kampf Hitler declared that: "The external security of a people in largely determined by the size of its territory. If he won power Hitler promised to occupy Russian land that would provide protection and lebensraum (living space) for the German people. This action would help to destroy the Jewish/Marxist attempt to control the world: "The Russian Empire in the East is ripe for collapse; and the end of the Jewish domination of Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state." Em "Mein Kampf" de Hitler declarou que: "A segurança externa de um povo em grande parte determinado pelo tamanho do seu território." Se ele ganhou o poder de Hitler prometeu ocupar a terra russa, que daria proteção e lebensraum vivos) espaço para o alemão. pessoas (Este actuação que contribuiriam para destruir o marxista / tentativa de judeus para dominar o mundo: "O Império Russo no Oriente está maduro para o colapso, eo fim do domínio judaico na Rússia será também o fim da Rússia como Estado."

To achieve this expansion in the East and to win back land lost during the First World War , Hitler claimed that it might be necessary to form an alliance with Britain and Italy. Para atingir essa expansão no Oriente e para reconquistar os territórios perdidos durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial , Hitler afirmou que poderá ser necessário para formar uma aliança com a Grã-Bretanha e Itália. An alliance with Britain was vitally important because it would prevent Germany fighting a war in the East and West at the same time. Uma aliança com a Grã-Bretanha foi de vital importância, pois impediria a Alemanha em uma guerra no Oriente e no Ocidente, ao mesmo tempo.

According to James Douglas-Hamilton ( Motive for a Mission ) Karl Haushofer provided "Hitler with a formula and certain well-turned phrases which could be adapted, and which at a later stage suited the Nazis perfectly". Haushofer had developed the theory that the state is a biological organism which grows or contracts, and that in the struggle for space the strong countries take land from the weak. De acordo com James Douglas-Hamilton (motivo de uma Missão) Karl Haushofer fornecido "Hitler com uma fórmula e certas frases que se tornou bem que poderia ser adaptado, e que numa fase posterior adequado perfeitamente os nazistas". Haushofer tinha desenvolvido a teoria de que o Estado é um organismo biológico que se desenvolve ou contratos, e que na luta por espaço nos países fortes tomar a terra dos fracos.

Hitler was released from prison on 20th December, 1924, after serving just over a year of his sentence. Hitler foi libertado da prisão em 20 de dezembro de 1924, depois de cumprir apenas um ano de sua sentença. The Germany of 1924 was dramatically different from the Germany of 1923. A Alemanha de 1924 foi muito diferente da Alemanha de 1923. The economic policies of the German government had proved successful. Inflation had been brought under control and the economy began to improve. As políticas econômicas do governo alemão havia sido bem sucedida. inflação foi mantida sob controle ea economia começou a melhorar. The German people gradually gained a new faith in their democratic system and began to find the extremist solutions proposed by people such as Hitler unattractive. O povo alemão gradualmente ganhou uma nova fé em seu sistema democrático e começaram a encontrar as soluções extremistas proposta por pessoas como Hitler desinteressante.

Hitler attempted to play down his extremist image, and claimed that he was no longer in favour of revolution but was willing to compete with other parties in democratic elections. Hitler tentou minimizar sua imagem de extremistas, e afirmou que ele já não era a favor da revolução, mas estava disposto a competir com outros partidos em eleições democráticas. This policy was unsuccessful and in the elections of December 1924 the NSDAP could only win 14 seats compared with the the 131 obtained by the Socialists ( German Social Democrat Party ) and the 45 of the German Communist Party (KPD). Esta política foi bem sucedido e nas eleições de dezembro de 1924, o NSDAP só poderia ganhar 14 cadeiras em comparação com as 131 obtidas pelos socialistas ( Partido Social Democrata alemão ) e os 45 do Partido Comunista Alemão (KPD).

Georges, Grim Reaper , The Nation (April, 1933) Georges, Grim Reaper, The Nation (Abril, 1933)

Hitler went to live in Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps. Hitler passou a viver em Berchtesgaden, nos Alpes da Baviera. Later he was to say this was the happiest time of his life. Mais tarde ele foi para dizer que este foi o momento mais feliz de sua vida. He spent his time reading, walking and being driven fast around the countryside in his new supercharged Mercedes. Ele passou o tempo lendo, andando e sendo rápido conduzido em torno do campo em seu novo Mercedes sobrecarregado. For the first time in his life he began to take a serious interest in women. Pela primeira vez na sua vida ele começou a ter um sério interesse em mulheres.

Hitler liked the company of beautiful and frivolous women and avoided women who wanted to discuss political issues. Hitler gostava da companhia de mulheres lindas e fúteis e mulheres que queriam evitar a discutir questões políticas. His attitude towards women is reflected in his comment that: "A highly intelligent man should take a primitive and stupid woman." Sua atitude em relação às mulheres é refletido em seu comentário que: "o homem altamente inteligente deve ter uma primitiva estúpida mulher. E A" On another occasion he said: "I detest women who dabble in politics." Em outra ocasião, ele disse: "Eu detesto as mulheres que se envolver na política."

This was one of the reasons Hitler tended to be attracted to women much younger than himself, and there was a scandal when Maria Reiter, a sixteen-year-old girl he was involved with, tried to commit suicide. Esta foi uma das razões Hitler tendem a ser atraídos por mulheres mais jovens que ele, e houve um escândalo quando Maria Reiter, a-year-old girl dezesseis anos, estava envolvido com, tentou cometer suicídio.

In 1928 Hitler asked his half-sister, Angela Raubal, to be his housekeeper. Em 1928, Hitler pediu sua meia-irmã, Angela Raubal, para ser sua governanta. She agreed and arrived with her twenty-year old daughter, Geli Raubal . Ela concordou e chegou com seus anos de idade, filha de vinte anos, Geli Raubal . Hitler, who had now turned forty, became infatuated with Geli and rumours soon spread that he was having an affair with his young niece. Hitler, que tinha agora virou quarenta anos, tornou-se encantada com Geli e logo se espalhou rumores de que ele estava tendo um caso com sua sobrinha. Hitler became extremely possessive and Emil Maurice , his chauffeur, who also showed interest in Geli, was sacked. Hitler tornou-se extremamente possessivo e Emil Maurice , o seu motorista, que também demonstraram interesse em Geli, foi demitido.

The couple lived together for over two years. O casal viveu junto por mais de dois anos. The relationship with Geli was stormy and they began to accuse each other of being unfaithful. O relacionamento com Geli foi tempestuosa e eles começaram a acusar a outra de ser infiel. Geli was particularly concerned about Eva Braun , a seventeen-year-old girl who Hitler took for rides in his Mercedes car. Geli estava particularmente preocupado com Eva Braun , um dos anos de idade garota de dezessete anos que Hitler tomou para passeios em seu carro Mercedes.

Geli also complained about the way Hitler controlled her life On September 8, 1931, Hitler left for Hamburg after having a blazing row with Geli over her desire to spend some time in Vienna. Geli também reclamou da forma como Hitler controlava sua vida Em 08 de setembro de 1931, Hitler deixou o Hamburgo depois de uma discussão forte com Geli sobre seu desejo de passar algum tempo em Viena. Hitler was heard to shout at Geli as he was about to get into his car: "For the last time, no!" Hitler foi ouvido para gritar com Geli como ele estava prestes a entrar em seu carro: "Pela última vez, não!" After he left Geli shot herself through the heart with a revolver. Depois que ele saiu Geli atirou em si mesma através do coração com um revólver.

When he heard the news Hitler threatened to take his own life but was talked out of it by senior members of the Nazi Party . Quando ouviu a notícia de Hitler ameaçava tirar a própria vida, mas se falava de fora por altos membros do Partido Nazista . One consequence of Geli's suicide was that Hitler became a vegetarian. Uma conseqüência de suicídio Geli foi que Hitler se tornou vegetariano. He claimed that meat now reminded him of Geli's corpse. Ele alegou que a carne agora lembrou-lhe o cadáver Geli.

Rumours about Geli's death spread quickly amongst Hitler's enemies. Rumores sobre a morte de Geli se espalhou rapidamente entre os inimigos de Hitler. It was claimed that Geli had been badly beaten up by Hitler before she shot herself. Foi alegado que Geli havia sido espancada por Hitler antes que ela atirou em si mesma. Another story involved Geli committing suicide because she was expecting Hitler's child. Outra história envolveu Geli cometer suicídio porque ela estava esperando filho Hitler. Some people claimed she was murdered by Heinrich Himmler because she was threatening to blackmail Hitler. Algumas pessoas alegaram que ela foi assassinada por Heinrich Himmler , porque ela estava ameaçando fazer chantagem com Hitler. Little evidence has been provided to support these suggestions and the reasons for her death remain a mystery Pouca evidência foi apresentada para apoiar estas sugestões e as razões de sua morte permanece um mistério

After the death of Geli Raubal , Hitler began to see more of Eva Braun . Após a morte de Geli Raubal , Hitler começou a ver mais de Eva Braun . However he still had relationships with other women Hitler was especially fond of film-stars and one girlfriend the actress Renate Mueller , committed suicide by throwing herself out of a hotel window in Berlin. No entanto, ele ainda teve relações com outras mulheres Hitler gostava especialmente de película de estrelas e uma amiga da atriz Renate Müller , cometeu suicídio jogando-se fora da janela de um hotel em Berlim.

Eva was extremely jealous of Hitler's other girlfriends and in 1932 she also attempted suicide by shooting herself in the neck. Eva era extremamente ciumento de outras namoradas de Hitler e em 1932 ela também tentou o suicídio atirando-se no pescoço. Doctors managed to save her life, and after this incident Hitler seemed to become more attached to Eva and saw less of other women. Os médicos conseguiram salvar sua vida, e depois deste incidente Hitler parecia tornar-se mais ligados à Eva e vi menos de outras mulheres.

Hitler had no desire to have children. Hitler não tinha nenhum desejo de ter filhos. He told several people that if he had children they were certain to disappoint Ele disse que várias pessoas que se tivesse filhos que eles estavam certos decepcionar
him as they would never match his own genius. ele como se ele nunca iria combinar com o seu próprio gênio.

The Nazi Party always attempted to keep Hitler's love life secret. O Partido Nazista sempre tentou manter segredo é o amor da vida de Hitler. In his speeches Hitler claimed that he had never married because he was "married to the German people." Em seus discursos, Hitler afirmou que nunca havia se casado porque ele estava "casada com o povo alemão". The severe casualties suffered during the First World War meant that there was a large number of widows and spinsters in Germany . Os feridos graves sofreram durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial significava que havia um grande número de viúvas e solteiras na Alemanha . Women in Germany found Hitler's bachelor image attractive and this helped win him votes during elections. Mulheres na Alemanha encontrou bacharel imagem de Hitler atraente e isso ajudou a ganhar o voto durante as eleições. It was for this reason that Eva Braun was never seen in public with Hitler. Foi por esta razão que Eva Braun nunca foi visto em público com Hitler.

Emil Kirdorf , a very wealthy industrialist met Hitler in 1927. Emil Kirdorf , um rico empresário muito conheceu Hitler em 1927. Although Kirdorf agreed with most of Hitler's views he was concerned about some of the policies of the Nazi Party . Embora Kirdorf concordou com a maioria dos pontos de vista de Hitler estava preocupado com algumas das políticas do Partido Nazista . He was particularly worried about the opinions of some people in the party such as Gregor Strasser who talked about the need to redistribute wealth in Germany. Ele estava particularmente preocupado com as opiniões de algumas pessoas na festa, como Gregor Strasser , que falou sobre a necessidade de redistribuir a riqueza, na Alemanha.

Hitler tried to reassure Kirdorf that these policies were just an attempt to gain the support of the working-class in Germany and would not be implemented once he gained power. Hitler tentou tranquilizar Kirdorf que estas políticas foram apenas uma tentativa para ganhar o apoio da classe operária na Alemanha e não seria implementada uma vez que ele ganhou o poder. Kirdorf suggested that Hitler should write a pamphlet for private distribution amongst Germany's leading industrialists that clearly expressed his views on economic policy. Kirdorf sugeriu que Hitler deveria escrever um folheto para distribuição privada, entre líderes industriais, a Alemanha, que manifestou claramente sua opinião sobre a política econômica.

Hitler agreed and The Road to Resurgence was published in the summer of 1927. Hitler concordou e A Estrada para o Ressurgimento foi publicada no verão de 1927. In the pamphlet distributed by Kirdorf to Germany's leading industrialists, Hitler tried to reassure his readers that he was a supporter of private enterprise and was opposed to any real transformation of Germany's economic and social structure. No panfleto distribuído pela Kirdorf aos principais empresários da Alemanha, Hitler tentou tranqüilizar seus leitores que ele era um defensor da iniciativa privada e se opõe a qualquer transformação real da estrutura social e econômica da Alemanha.

Emil Kirdorf and his wealthy right-wing friends were particularly attracted to Hitler's idea of winning the working class away from left-wing political groups such as the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party . Emil Kirdorf e seus amigos ricos de asa direita foram particularmente atraídos para a idéia de Hitler de conquistar a classe trabalhadora longe de esquerda grupos políticos como o Partido Social Democrata e do Partido Comunista . Kirdorf and other business leaders were also impressed with the news that Hitler planned to suppress the trade union movement once he gained power. Kirdorf e outros líderes empresariais também ficaram impressionados com a notícia de que Hitler pretendia suprimir o sindical movimento uma vez que ele ganhou o poder. Kirdorf joined the Nazi Party and immediately began to try and persuade other leading industrialists to supply Hitler with the necessary funds to win control of the Reichstag . Kirdorf se juntou ao Partido Nazista e imediatamente começou a tentar convencer outros líderes industriais para o fornecimento de Hitler com os fundos necessários para ganhar o controle do Reichstag .

Kirdorf expected Adolf Hitler to remove left-wing members of the Nazi Party such as Gregor Strasser , Ernst Roehm and Gottfried Feder to be removed from power. Kirdorf esperado Adolf Hitler para eliminar os membros da ala esquerda do Partido Nazista , como Gregor Strasser , Ernst Roehm e Gottfried Feder para ser removido do poder. When this did not happen, Kirdorf switched his support to the German Nationalist Party (DNVP) led by Alfred Hugenberg . Quando isso não acontecer, Kirdorf mudou seu apoio ao Partido Nacionalista Alemão (DNVP), liderado por Alfred Hugenberg .

In the 1928 German elections, less than 3% of the people voted for the Nazi Party. Em 1928 as eleições alemãs, menos de 3% das pessoas votaram a favor do Partido Nazista. This gave them only twelve seats, twenty fewer than they achieved in the May, 1924 election. Isso deu-lhes apenas doze assentos, vinte a menos do que o alcançado em, maio 1924 eleição. However, the party was well organized and membership had grown from 27,000 in 1925 to 108,000 in 1928. No entanto, a festa foi bem organizada e participação cresceu de 27.000 em 1925 para 108.000 em 1928.

One of the new members was Joseph Goebbels . Um dos novos membros foi Joseph Goebbels . Hitler first met him in 1925. Hitler encontrou pela primeira vez em 1925. Both men were impressed with each other. Ambos os homens ficaram impressionados com o outro. Goebbels described one of their first meetings in his diary: "Shakes my hand. Like an old friend. And those big blue eyes. Like stars. He is glad to see me. I am in heaven. That man has everything to be king." Goebbels descreveu uma das suas primeiras reuniões em seu diário: aperta minha mão. "Como um velho amigo tem. E tudo azul grande que os olhos. Gosto de estrelas. Ele está feliz por estar me ver. Rei Eu estou no céu. Aquele homem. "

Hitler admired Goebbels' abilities as a writer and speaker. Hitler admirava "Goebbels habilidades como escritor e palestrante. They shared an interest in propaganda and together they planned how the NSDAP would win the support of the German people. Eles compartilhavam um interesse em propaganda e, juntos, eles planejaram a forma como o NSDAP seria conquistar o apoio do povo alemão.

Propaganda cost money and this was something that the Nazi Party was very short of. Propaganda custam dinheiro e isso era algo que o Partido Nazista era muito curto. Whereas the German Social Democratic Party was funded by the trade unions and the pro-capitalist parties by industrialists, the NSDAP had to rely on contributions from party members. Considerando que o Partido Social Democrata Alemão foi financiado pelos sindicatos e os partidos pró-capitalistas pelos industriais, o NSDAP teve de contar com contribuições dos membros do partido. When Hitler approached rich industrialists for help he was told that his economic policies (profit-sharing, nationalization of trusts) were too left-wing. Quando Hitler se aproximou ricos industriais de ajuda, ele foi informado de que suas políticas econômicas (participação nos lucros, de nacionalização dos trustes) eram demasiado de esquerda.

In an attempt to obtain financial contributions from industrialists, Hitler wrote a pamphlet in 1927 entitled The Road to Resurgence . Na tentativa de obter apoio financeiro de industriais, Hitler escreveu um panfleto em 1927 intitulado "O Caminho para a Ressurgência. Only a small number of these pamphlets were printed and they were only meant for the eyes of the top industrialists in Germany. Apenas um pequeno número desses panfletos foram impressos e eles estavam apenas significou para os olhos dos industriais de topo na Alemanha. The reason that the pamphlet was kept secret was that it contained information that would have upset Hitler's working-class supporters. A razão que o panfleto foi mantido em segredo era que ele continha informações que poderiam ter perturbado de classe apoiantes de trabalho de Hitler. In the pamphlet Hitler implied that the anti-capitalist measures included in the original twenty-five points of the NSDAP programme would not be implemented if he gained power. No panfleto Hitler implicava que o anti-capitalista medidas incluídas no original 25 pontos do programa NSDAP não seria aplicado se ele ganhou o poder.

The Hitler File O arquivo de Hitler

Karl Brandt: The Nazi Doctor Karl Brandt: O médico nazista

Hitler began to argue that "capitalists had worked their way to the top through their capacity, and on the basis of this selection they have the right to lead." Hitler começou a argumentar que "os capitalistas tiveram seu caminho até o topo através da sua capacidade, e na base desta selecção que têm o direito de liderar." Hitler claimed that national socialism meant all people doing their best for society and posed no threat to the wealth of the rich. Hitler afirmava que o nacional-socialismo significava todas as pessoas fazendo seu melhor para a sociedade e não representava nenhuma ameaça para a riqueza dos ricos. Some prosperous industrialists were convinced by these arguments and gave donations to the Nazi Party, however, the vast majority continued to support other parties, especially the right-wing German Nationalist Peoples Party (DNVP). Alguns empresários prósperos foram convencidos por esses argumentos e deram doações para o Partido Nazista, no entanto, a grande maioria continuou a apoiar outros partidos, especialmente os de direita nacionalista alemão Partido Popular (DNVP).

Another new member of the NSDAP was Heinrich Himmler . Outro novo membro do NSDAP foi Heinrich Himmler . Hitler was impressed by Himmler's fanatical nationalism and his deep hatred of the Jews . Hitler ficou impressionado com o fanatismo do nacionalismo Himmler e seu ódio profundo dos judeus . Himmler believed Hitler was the Messiah that was destined to lead Germany to greatness. Himmler acreditava que Hitler era o Messias que estava destinado a liderar a Alemanha para a grandeza. Hitler, who was always vulnerable to flattery, decided that Himmler should become the new leader of his personal bodyguard, the Schutzstaffeinel (SS). Hitler, que sempre foi vulnerável a lisonja, Himmler decidiu que deveria se tornar o novo líder da sua guarda pessoal, o Schutzstaffeinel (SS).

The German economy continued to improve and as unemployment fell, so did the support for extremist political parties such as the NSDAP. A economia alemã continuou a melhorar e que o desemprego caiu, assim como o apoio a partidos políticos extremistas, como o NSDAP. In the General Election held in May, 1928, the Nazi Party won only 14 seats, while the left-wing parties, the German Social Democrat Party (153) and the German Communist Party (54) still continued to grow in popularity. Nas eleições gerais realizadas em maio de 1928, o Partido Nazista conquistou apenas 14 assentos, enquanto o ala partidos de esquerda, o Partido Social Democrata Alemão (153) eo Partido Comunista Alemão (54) continuou a crescer em popularidade.

The fortunes of the NSDAP changed with the Wall Street Crash in October 1929. As fortunas do NSDAP mudou com o Wall Street Bater em outubro de 1929. Desperate for capital, the United States began to recall loans from Europe. Desesperada por capital, os Estados Unidos começaram a recordar os empréstimos da Europa. One of the consequences of this was a rapid increase in unemployment. Uma das conseqüências disso foi um rápido aumento do desemprego. Germany, whose economy relied heavily on investment from the United States, suffered more than any other country in Europe. Alemanha, cuja economia dependia fortemente dos investimentos dos Estados Unidos, sofreu mais do que qualquer outro país na Europa.

Before the crash, 1.25 million people were unemployed in Germany. Antes do acidente, 1.250.000 pessoas estavam desempregadas na Alemanha. By the end of 1930 the figure had reached nearly 4 million. Até o final de 1930 o número tinha atingido cerca de 4 milhões de euros. Even those in work suffered as many were only working part-time. Mesmo aqueles que trabalham sofreu tantos eram apenas de trabalhar a tempo parcial. With the drop in demand for labour, wages also fell and those with full-time work had to survive on lower incomes. Com a queda na demanda por trabalho, os salários também caíram e as pessoas com trabalho em tempo integral tiveram de sobreviver com rendimentos mais baixos. Hitler, who was considered a fool in 1928 when he predicted economic disaster, was now seen in a different light. Hitler, que era considerado um tolo, em 1928, quando ele previu um desastre econômico, passou a ser visto sob uma luz diferente. People began to say that if he was clever enough to predict the depression maybe he also knew how to solve it. As pessoas começaram a dizer que se ele fosse inteligente o bastante para prever a depressão talvez ele também sabia como resolvê-lo.

In the General Election that took place in September 1930, the Nazi Party increased its number of representatives in parliament from 14 to 107. Na eleição geral que teve lugar em Setembro de 1930, o Partido Nazista aumentou seu número de representantes no parlamento 14-107. Hitler was now the leader of the second largest party in Germany. Hitler era agora o líder do segundo maior partido na Alemanha.

The German Social Democrat Party was the largest party in the Reichstag , it did not have a majority over all the other parties, and the SPD leader, Hermann Muller , had to rely on the support of others to rule Germany. O Partido Social Democrata Alemão foi o maior partido no Reichstag , que não tinha uma maioria sobre todas as outras partes, eo líder do SPD, Hermann Muller , teve que contar com o apoio de outras pessoas para governar a Alemanha. After the SPD refused to reduce unemployment benefits, Mueller was replaced as Chancellor by Heinrich Bruening . Depois de o SPD se recusou a reduzir o subsídio de desemprego, Mueller foi substituído como chanceler por Heinrich Bruening . However, with his party only having 87 representatives out of 577 in the Reichstag, he also found it extremely difficult to gain agreement for his policies. No entanto, com o seu partido ter apenas 87 representantes de 577 no Reichstag, ele também achou extremamente difícil obter acordo para suas políticas.

Hitler used this situation to his advantage, claiming that parliamentary democracy did not work. Hitler usou essa situação a seu favor, alegando que a democracia parlamentar não funciona. The NSDAP argued that only Hitler could provide the strong government that Germany needed. O NSDAP argumentou que Hitler só poderia fornecer a governos fortes de que a Alemanha precisava. Hitler and other Nazi leaders travelled round the country giving speeches putting over this point of view. Hitler e outros líderes nazistas viajou pelo país dando palestras sobre colocar esse ponto de vista.

What Hitler said depended very much on the audience. O que disse Hitler dependia muito do público. In rural areas he promised tax cuts for farmers and government actin to protect food prices. Nas áreas rurais, ele prometeu cortes de impostos para os agricultores e actina governo para proteger os preços dos alimentos. In working class areas he spoke of redistribution of wealth and attacked the high profits made by the large chain stores. Nas áreas de trabalho da classe, ele falou de redistribuição da riqueza e atacou os altos lucros feitas pelos grandes cadeias de lojas. When he spoke to industrialists, Hitler concentrated on his plans to destroy communism and to reduce the power of the trade union movement. Quando ele falou a empresários, Hitler concentrou-se em seus planos para destruir o comunismo e para reduzir o poder do movimento sindical. Hitler's main message was that Germany's economic recession was due to the Treaty of Versailles . mensagem principal é que Hitler era econômico de recessão, a Alemanha foi devido ao Tratado de Versalhes . Other than refusing to pay reparations, Hitler avoided explaining how he would improve the German economy. Outros que se recusar a pagar as reparações, Hitler evitou explicar como ele poderia melhorar a economia alemã.

With a divided Reichstag , the power of the German President became more important. Com uma dividida Reichstag , o poder do presidente alemão tornou-se mais importante. In 1931 Hitler challenged Paul von Hindenburg for the presidency. Em 1931 Hitler desafiou Paul von Hindenburg para a presidência. Hindenburg was now 84 years old and showing signs of senility. Hindenburg era agora 84 anos e mostrando sinais de senilidade. However, a large percentage of the German population still feared Hitler and in the election Hindenburg had a comfortable majority. No entanto, uma grande porcentagem da população alemã ainda temia Hitler e na eleição de Hindenburg tinha uma maioria confortável.

Heinrich Bruening and other senior politicians were worried that Hitler would use his stormtroopers to take power by force. Heinrich Bruening e outros altos cargos políticos estavam preocupados de que Hitler iria usar sua stormtroopers para tomar o poder pela força. Led by Ernst Roehm , it now contained over 400,000 men. Liderado por Ernst Roehm , que agora contava com mais de 400.000 homens. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles the official German Army was restricted to 100,000 men and was therefore outnumbered by the SA. Sob os termos do Tratado de Versalhes, o oficial do Exército Alemão foi restrito a 100.000 homens e, portanto, superados em número pelos SA. In the past, those who feared communism were willing to put up with the SA as they provided a useful barrier against the possibility of revolution. No passado, aqueles que temiam o comunismo estavam dispostos a colocar-se com o SA, que forneceu uma barreira útil contra a possibilidade de revolução. However, with the growth in SA violence and fearing a Nazi coup, Bruening banned the organization. No entanto, com o aumento da violência SA e temendo um golpe de Estado nazista, Bruening proibiu a organização.

In May 1932, Paul von Hindenburg sacked Bruening and replaced him with Franz von Papen . Em maio de 1932, Paul von Hindenburg demitiu Bruening e substituiu-o por Franz von Papen . The new chancellor was also a member of the Catholic Centre Party and, being more sympathetic to the Nazis, he removed the ban on the SA. O novo chanceler foi também membro do Centro Partido Católico e, sendo mais solidário com os nazistas, ele removeu a proibição das SA. The next few weeks saw open warfare on the streets between the Nazis and the Communists during which 86 people were killed. As poucas próximas semanas vi uma guerra aberta nas ruas entre os nazistas e os comunistas, durante o qual 86 pessoas foram mortas.

In an attempt to gain support for his new government, in July Franz von Papen called another election. Na tentativa de ganhar apoio para seu novo governo, em julho de Franz von Papen chamou outra eleição. Hitler now had the support of the upper and middle classes and the NSDAP did well winning 230 seats, making it the largest party in the Reichstag. Hitler agora tinha o apoio da classe média e superior e do NSDAP fez bem ganhar 230 assentos, tornando-se o maior partido no Reichstag. However the German Social Democrat Party (133) and the German Communist Party (89) still had the support of the urban working class and Hitler was deprived of an overall majority in parliament. No entanto, o Partido Social Democrata Alemão (133) e do Partido Comunista Alemão (89) ainda tinha o apoio da classe trabalhadora urbana e Hitler foi privado de uma maioria absoluta no parlamento.

Hitler demanded that he should be made Chancellor but Paul von Hindenburg refused and instead gave the position to Major-General Kurt von Schleicher . Hitler exigiu que ele deve ser feito Chanceler mas Paul von Hindenburg recusou-se e deu lugar a posição a major-general Kurt von Schleicher . Hitler was furious and began to abandon his strategy of disguising his extremist views. Hitler ficou furioso e começou a abandonar sua estratégia de dissimular as suas visões extremistas. In one speech he called for the end of democracy a system which he described as being the "rule of stupidity, of mediocrity, of half-heartedness, of cowardice, of weakness, and of inadequacy." Em um discurso, ele pediu o fim da democracia de um sistema que ele descreveu como sendo a "regra da estupidez, da mediocridade, da meia-descontração, de covardia, de fraqueza, e de inadequação."

The behaviour of the NSDAP became more violent. O comportamento do NSDAP se tornou mais violento. On one occasion 167 Nazis beat up 57 members of the German Communist Party in the Reichstag . Em uma ocasião, 167 nazistas açoitarem a 57 membros do Partido Comunista Alemão no Reichstag . They were then physically thrown out of the building. Eles foram então fisicamente jogado para fora do edifício.

The stormtroopers also carried out terrible acts of violence against socialists and communists. Os stormtroopers também realizou atos terríveis de violência contra socialistas e comunistas. In one incident in Silesia, a young member of the KPD had his eyes poked out with a billiard cue and was then stabbed to death in front of his mother. Em um incidente, na Silésia, um jovem membro do KPD tinha os olhos cutucou com um taco de bilhar e depois foi morto a facadas na frente de sua mãe. Four members of the SA were convicted of the rime. Quatro membros da SA foram condenados a geada. Many people were shocked when Hitler sent a letter of support for the four men and promised to do what he could to get them released. Muitas pessoas ficaram chocadas quando Hitler mandou uma carta de apoio para os quatro homens e prometeu fazer o que podia para conseguir sua libertação.

Incidents such as these worried many Germans, and in the elections that took place in November 1932 the support for the Nazi Party fell. Incidentes como esses muitos alemães preocupados, e nas eleições que tiveram lugar em Novembro de 1932, o apoio ao Partido Nazista caiu. The German Communist Party made substantial gains in the election winning 100 seats. O Partido Comunista Alemão ganhos substanciais na eleição ganhando 100 assentos. Hitler used this to create a sense of panic by claiming that German was on the verge of a Bolshevik Revolution and only the NSDAP could prevent this happening. Hitler usou isso para criar um sentimento de pânico, afirmando que o alemão estava à beira de uma revolução bolchevique e só o NSDAP poderia evitar que isso aconteça.

A group of prominent industrialists who feared such a revolution sent a petition to Paul von Hindenburg asking for Hitler to become Chancellor. Um grupo de empresários de destaque, que temiam uma revolução enviou uma petição ao Paul von Hindenburg, pedindo para que Hitler se tornar chanceler. Hindenberg reluctantly agreed to their request and at the age of forty-three, Hitler became the new Chancellor of Germany. Hindenberg relutantemente concordou com o pedido e com a idade de quarenta e três, Hitler tornou-se o novo chanceler da Alemanha.

Although Hitler had the support of certain sections of the German population he never gained an elected majority. Embora Hitler teve o apoio de determinadas camadas da população alemã que ele nunca ganhou uma maioria eleita. The best the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) could do in a election was 37.3 per cent of the vote they gained in July 1932. O melhor do Nacional Socialista Alemão dos Trabalhadores (NSDAP) pode fazer nas eleições foi de 37,3 por cento dos votos que ganhou em julho de 1932. When Hitler became chancellor in January 1933, the Nazis only had a third of the seats in the Reichstag . Quando Hitler se tornou chanceler em janeiro de 1933, os nazistas tiveram apenas um terço dos assentos no Reichstag .

Soon after Hitler became chancellor he announced new elections. Hermann Goering called a meeting of important industrialists where he told them that the 1933 General Election could be the last in Germany for a very long time. Logo após Hitler se tornou chanceler anunciou novas eleições. Hermann Goering convocou uma reunião de industriais importantes, onde ele disse-lhes que a eleição geral de 1933 pode ser o último na Alemanha por um longo período de tempo muito. Goering added that the NSDAP would need a considerable amount of of money to ensure victory. Goering acrescentou que o NSDAP seria necessário uma quantidade considerável de dinheiro para garantir a vitória. Those present responded by donating 3 million Reichmarks. Os presentes responderam com a doação de 3 milhões Reichmarks. As Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary after the meeting: "Radio and press are at our disposal. Even money is not lacking this time." Como Joseph Goebbels escreveu em seu diário, após a reunião: "e pressione estão à nossa disposição. rádio mesmo o dinheiro não está faltando neste momento."

Behind the scenes Goering, who was minister of the interior in Hitler's government, was busily sacking senior police officers and replacing them with Nazi supporters. Por trás das cenas de Goering, que era ministro do interior no governo de Hitler, foi ocupada demissão oficiais superiores da polícia e substituí-los com os adeptos do nazismo. These men were later to become known as the Gestapo . Estes homens foram mais tarde se tornou conhecida como a Gestapo . Goering also recruited 50,000 members of the Sturm Abteilung (SA) to work as police auxiliaries. Goering também recrutou 50.000 membros do Sturm Abteilung (SA) para trabalhar como auxiliares de polícia.

Hermann Goering then raided the headquarters of the Communist Party (KPD) in Berlin and claimed that he had uncovered a plot to overthrow the government. Hermann Goering , em seguida, invadiram a sede do Partido Comunista (KPD) em Berlim, e alegou que ele havia descoberto um complô para derrubar o governo. Leaders of the KPD were arrested but no evidence was ever produced to support Goering's accusations. Os líderes do KPD, foram presos, mas nenhuma evidência foi já produzido para apoiar as acusações de Goering. He also announced he had discovered a communist plot to poison German milk supplies. Ele também anunciou que tinha descoberto um plano comunista para alemães de leite fornece veneno.

On 27th February, 1933, someone set fire to the Reichstag . Em 27 fevereiro de 1933, alguém ateou fogo ao Reichstag . Several people were arrested including a leading, Georgi Dimitrov , general secretary of the Comintern , the international communist organization. Várias pessoas foram presas, incluindo um líder, Georgi Dimitrov , secretário-geral da Internacional Comunista , a organização internacional comunista. Dimitrov was eventually acquitted but a young man from the Netherlands, Marianus van der Lubbe , was eventually executed for the crime. Dimitrov acabou por ser absolvido, mas um rapaz da Holanda, Marianus van der Lubbe , foi finalmente executado pelo crime. As a teenager Lubbe had been a communist and Hermann Goering used this information to claim that the Reichstag Fire was part of a KPD plot to overthrow the government. Como um adolescente Lubbe foi um comunista e Hermann Goering usou essa informação para afirmar que o incêndio do Reichstag foi parte de um complô KPD para derrubar o governo.

Hitler gave orders that all leaders of the German Communist Party should "be hanged that very night." Paul von Hindenburg vetoed this decision but did agree that Hitler should take "dictatorial powers". KPD candidates in the election were arrested and Hermann Goering announced that the Nazi Party planned "to exterminate" German communists. Hitler deu ordens para que todos os dirigentes do Partido Comunista Alemão deve "ser enforcado naquela mesma noite." Paul von Hindenburg, vetou esta decisão, mas concordou que Hitler deve ter "poderes ditatoriais". KPD candidatos nas eleições foram presos e Hermann Goering anunciou que o Partido Nazista planejado "para exterminar os" comunistas alemães.

Thousands of members of the Social Democrat Party and Communist Party were arrested and sent to recently opened to concentration camp . Milhares de membros do Partido Social-Democrata eo Partido Comunista foram presos e enviados para a recém-inaugurado campo de concentração . They were called this because they "concentrated" the enemy into a restricted area. Eles foram chamados isto porque "concentrada" o inimigo em uma área restrita. Hitler named these camps after those used by the British during the Boer War . Hitler nomeou estes campos, depois daqueles usados pelos britânicos durante a Guerra dos Bôeres .

Left-wing election meetings were broken up by the Sturm Abteilung (SA) and several candidates were murdered. ala-esquerda eleição reuniões foram quebrados pelo Sturm Abteilung (SA) e vários candidatos foram assassinados. Newspapers that supported these political parties were closed down during the 1933 General Election . Os jornais que apoiaram estes partidos políticos foram fechados durante a eleição geral de 1933 .

Although it was extremely difficult for the opposition parties to campaign properly, Hitler and the Nazi party still failed to win an overall victory in the election on 5th March, 1933. Embora fosse extremamente difícil para os partidos da oposição para fazer campanha de forma adequada, Hitler eo partido nazista ainda não conseguiu conquistar uma vitória na eleição geral em 05 de março de 1933. The NSDAP received 43.9% of the vote and only 288 seats out of the available 647. O NSDAP recebeu 43,9% dos votos e apenas 288 lugares fora do 647 disponíveis. The increase in the Nazi vote had mainly come from the Catholic rural areas who feared the possibility of an atheistic Communist government. O aumento na votação nazista vêm principalmente da zona rural Católica, que temia a possibilidade de um governo comunista ateu.

After the 1933 General Election Hitler proposed an Enabling Bill that would give him dictatorial powers. Após a eleição geral de 1933 Hitler propôs um Bill habilitação que lhe daria poderes ditatoriais. Such an act needed three-quarters of the members of the Reichstag to vote in its favour. Tal ato necessários três quartos dos membros do Reichstag de votar em seu favor.

All the active members of the Communist Party , were in concentration camps, in hiding, or had left the country (an estimated 60,000 people left Germany during the first few weeks after the election). Todos os membros ativos do Partido Comunista , estavam em campos de concentração, na clandestinidade, ou abandonaram o país (cerca de 60.000 pessoas deixaram a Alemanha durante o primeiro poucas semanas depois da eleição). This was also true of most of the leaders of the other left-wing party, Social Democrat Party (SDP). Isso também acontece com a maioria dos líderes da esquerda outra parte, Partido Social Democrata (SDP). However, Hitler still needed the support of the Catholic Centre Party (BVP) to pass this legislation. No entanto, Hitler ainda necessário o apoio do Centro Partido Católico (BVP) para aprovar esta legislação. Hitler therefore offered the BVP a deal: vote for the bill and the Nazi government would guarantee the rights of the Catholic Church. Hitler, por conseguinte, ofereceu a BVP um acordo: votar a lei eo governo nazista iria garantir os direitos da Igreja Católica. The BVP agreed and when the vote was taken, only 94 members of the SDP voted against the Enabling Bill . A BVP acordados e quando a votação foi tomada, apenas 94 membros do PSD votaram contra o Bill habilitação .

Hitler was now dictator of Germany. Hitler era agora o ditador da Alemanha. His first move was to take over the trade unions . Seu primeiro passo foi assumir a sindicatos . Its leaders were sent to concentration camps and the organization was put under the control of the Nazi Party. Seus líderes foram enviados para campos de concentração ea organização foi colocada sob o controle do Partido Nazista. The trade union movement now became known as the Labour Front. O movimento sindical já se tornou conhecido como Frente de Trabalho.

Soon afterwards the Communist Party and the Social Democrat Party were banned. Logo depois, o Partido Comunista eo Partido Social Democrata foram proibidos. Party activists still in the country were arrested. Os militantes do partido ainda no país foram presos. A month later Hitler announced that the Catholic Centre Party , the Nationalist Party and all other political parties other than the NSDAP were illegal, and by the end of 1933 over 150,000 political prisoners were in concentration camps. Um mês depois, Hitler anunciou que o Partido do Centro Católico , o Partido Nacionalista e todos os outros partidos políticos que não o NSDAP eram ilegais, e até o final de 1933 mais de 150.000 prisioneiros políticos em campos de concentração. Hitler was aware that people have a great fear of the unknown, and if prisoners were released, they were warned that if they told anyone of their experiences they would be sent back to the camp. Hitler tinha consciência de que as pessoas têm um grande medo do desconhecido, e se os prisioneiros foram libertados, eles foram avisados de que se contasse a alguém das suas experiências que seriam enviados de volta ao acampamento.

It was not only left-wing politicians and trade union activists who were sent to concentration camp . só não foi de esquerda que políticos e activistas sindicais que foram enviados para campos de concentração . The Gestapo also began arresting beggars, prostitutes, homosexuals, alcoholics and anyone who was incapable of working. A Gestapo também começou a prender os mendigos, prostitutas, homossexuais, alcoólatras e quem era incapaz de trabalhar. Although some inmates were tortured, the only people killed during this period were prisoners who tried to escape and those classed as "incurably insane". Apesar de alguns prisioneiros foram torturados, as únicas pessoas morreram durante este período foram presos que tentaram fugir e os classificados como "doentes mentais".

Hitler's Germany became known as a fascist state . , a Alemanha de Hitler tornou-se conhecido como um estado fascista . Fascist was originally used to describe the government of Benito Mussolini in Italy. Fascista foi originalmente usado para descrever o governo de Benito Mussolini na Itália. Mussolini's fascist one-party state emphasized patriotism, national unity, hatred of communism, admiration of military values and unquestioning obedience. do Estado de partido único fascista Mussolini, enfatizou o patriotismo, a unidade nacional, o ódio do comunismo, a admiração dos valores militares e obediência inquestionável. Hitler was deeply influenced by Mussolini's Italy and his Germany shared many of the same characteristics. Hitler foi profundamente influenciado pela Itália de Mussolini e de sua Alemanha partilhava muitas das mesmas características.

The German economic system remained capitalistic but the state played a more prominent role in managing the economy. O sistema económico alemão permaneceu capitalista, mas o Estado desempenhou um papel mais proeminente na gestão da economia. Industrialists were sometimes told what to produce and what price they should charge for the goods that they made. Os industriais eram, por vezes, disse que para produzir e qual o preço que deve cobrar para os bens que eles fizeram. The government also had the power to order workers to move to where they were required. O governo também tinha o poder de ordenar os trabalhadores a se deslocar para onde fosse necessário.

By taking these powers Hitler's government was able to control factors such as inflation and unemployment that had caused considerable distress in previous years. Ao tomar essas competências do governo de Hitler foi capaz de controlar fatores como inflação e desemprego que causou sofrimento considerável em anos anteriores. As the government generally allowed companies to maintain their profit margins, industrialists tended to accept the loss of some of their freedoms. Como o governo permitiu que as empresas em geral para manter suas margens de lucro, industriais tendem a aceitar a perda de algumas de suas liberdades.

Under fascism , most potential sources of opposition were removed. Sob o fascismo , a maioria das fontes potenciais de oposição foram removidas. This included political parties and the trade union movement. Isto incluiu partidos políticos e os sindicatos movimento. However, Hitler never felt strong enough to take complete control of the German Army , and before taking important decisions he always had to take into consideration how the armed forces would react. No entanto, Hitler nunca me senti forte o suficiente para assumir o controle total do exército alemão , e antes de tomar decisões importantes, ele sempre tinha que levar em consideração o modo como as forças armadas iriam reagir.

By the time Hitler gained power he had ceased to be a practising Christian. No momento em que Hitler ganhou o poder que ele tinha deixado de ser um cristão praticante. He did not have the confidence to abolish Christianity in Germany. Ele não tinha a confiança necessária para suprimir o cristianismo na Alemanha. In 1934 Hitler signed an agreement with Pope Pius XI in which he promised not to interfere in religion if the Catholic Church agreed not to become involved in politics in Germany. Em 1934, Hitler assinou um acordo com o Papa Pio XI, em que prometeu não interferir na religião, se a Igreja Católica concordou em não se envolver na política, na Alemanha.

The individual had no freedom to protest in Hitler's Germany. O indivíduo não tinha liberdade para protestar, a Alemanha de Hitler. All political organizations were either banned or under the control of the Nazis. Todas as organizações políticas foram proibidos ou sob o controle dos nazistas. Except for the occasional referendum, all elections, local and national, were abolished. Exceto para o referendo ocasional, todas as eleições, locais e nacionais, foram abolidas.

All information that people in Germany received was selected and organized to support fascist beliefs. Todas as informações que as pessoas na Alemanha recebeu foi selecionado e organizado para apoiar as crenças fascista. As Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels kept a close check on the information provided by newspapers, magazines, books, radio broadcasts, plays and films. Como Ministro da Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels mantinha um estreito controlo sobre as informações fornecidas por jornais, revistas, livros, programas de rádio, peças teatrais e filmes.

Hitler, who had been deeply influenced by his own history teacher, was fully aware that schools posed a potential threat to the dominant fascist ideology. Hitler, que havia sido profundamente influenciado por seu professor de história própria, tinha plena consciência de que as escolas representam uma ameaça potencial para o fascista ideologia dominante. Teachers who were critical of Hitler's Germany were sacked and the rest were sent away to be trained to become good fascists. Os professores que foram críticos da Alemanha de Hitler foram demitidos e os outros foram mandados para ser treinados para se tornarem bons fascistas. Members of the Nazi youth organizations such as the Hitler Youth , were also asked to report teachers who questioned fascism. Os membros das organizações de juventude nazista, como a Juventude Hitlerista , também foram solicitados a relatar os professores que questionaram o fascismo.

As a further precaution against young people coming into contact with information and the government disapproved of, textbooks were withdrawn and rewritten by Nazis. Como uma precaução adicional contra os jovens que entram em contacto com a informação eo governo reprovado, os livros foram retirados e reescrito pelos nazistas.

Brandt joined Hitler's inner circle and was given the rank of major-general in the Waffen-SS . Brandt se juntou círculo íntimo de Hitler e foi dado o posto de major-general da Waffen-SS . He was also appointed Reich Commissioner for Health and Sanitation. Ele também foi nomeado comissário do Reich para a Saúde e Saneamento.

By 1934 Hitler appeared to have complete control over Germany, but like most dictators, he constantly feared that he might be ousted by others who wanted his power. Em 1934 Hitler parecia ter controle total sobre a Alemanha, mas como a maioria dos ditadores, ele sempre temeu que ele poderia ser afastado por outras pessoas que queriam o poder. To protect himself from a possible coup, Hitler used the tactic of divide and rule and encouraged other leaders such as Hermann Goering , Joseph Goebbels , Heinrich Himmler and Ernst Roehm to compete with each other for senior positions. Para se proteger de um possível golpe, Hitler usou a tática de dividir para reinar e incentivou outros líderes, como Hermann Göring , Joseph Goebbels , Heinrich Himmler e Ernst Roehm de competir uns com os outros para altos cargos.

One of the consequences of this policy was that these men developed a dislike for each other. Uma das conseqüências dessa política foi que esses homens desenvolveram uma antipatia um pelo outro. Roehm was particularly hated because as leader of the Sturm Abteilung (SA) he had tremendous power and had the potential to remove any one of his competitors. Roehm era particularmente odiados porque como líder do Sturm Abteilung (SA) teve um tremendo poder e tinha o potencial para remover qualquer um dos seus concorrentes. Goering and Himmler asked Reinhard Heydrich to assemble a dossier on Roehm. Goering e Himmler pediu Reinhard Heydrich para montar um dossiê sobre Roehm. Heydrich, who also feared him, manufactured evidence that suggested that Roehm had been paid 12 million marks by the French to overthrow Hitler. Heydrich, que também temiam, provas fabricadas, que sugeriu que Roehm tinham sido pagos 12 milhões pela marca francesa para derrubar Hitler.

Hitler liked Ernst Roehm and initially refused to believe the dossier provided by Heydrich. Hitler gostava de Ernst Roehm e inicialmente se recusou a acreditar que o processo fornecido pela Heydrich. Roehm had been one of his first supporters and, without his ability to obtain army funds in the early days of the movement, it is unlikely that the Nazis would have ever become established. Roehm era um dos seus apoiantes em primeiro lugar e, sem sua capacidade de obter fundos exército nos primeiros dias do movimento, é improvável que os nazistas nunca teria se estabelecido. The SA under Roehm's leadership had also played a vital role in destroying the opposition during the elections of 1932 and 1933. A SA sob a liderança de Roehm também desempenhou um papel fundamental na destruição da oposição durante as eleições de 1932 e 1933.

However, Hitler had his own reasons for wanting Roehm removed. No entanto, Hitler tinha suas próprias razões para querer Roehm removido. Powerful supporters of Hitler had been complaining about Roehm for some time. Poderosa apoiantes de Hitler tinha-se queixado sobre Roehm por algum tempo. Generals were afraid that the Sturm Abteilung (SA), a force of over 3 million men, would absorb the much smaller German Army into its ranks and Roehm would become its overall leader. Generals estavam com medo que o Sturm Abteilung (SA), uma força de mais de 3 milhões de homens, que absorvem o muito menor do Exército alemão em suas fileiras e Rohm se tornaria seu líder global.

Industrialists such as Albert Voegler , Gustav Krupp , Alfried Krupp , Fritz Thyssen and Emile Kirdorf , who had provided the funds for the Nazi victory, were unhappy with Roehm's socialistic views on the economy and his claims that the real revolution had still to take place. Os industriais, tais como Albert Voegler , Krupp Gustav , Krupp Alfried , Fritz Thyssen e Kirdorf Emile , que forneceram os fundos para a vitória nazista, estavam descontentes com socialistas vistas de Roehm sobre a economia e as alegações de que a verdadeira revolução estava ainda para acontecer. Many people in the party also disapproved of the fact that Roehm and many other leaders of the SA were homosexuals. Muitas pessoas no partido também desaprovou o fato de que Röhm e muitos outros líderes da SA foram os homossexuais.

Hitler was also aware that Roehm and the SA had the power to remove him. Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler played on this fear by constantly feeding him with new information on Roehm's proposed coup. Hitler também estava ciente de que a SA de Roehm e tinha o poder de destituí-lo. Hermann Göring e Heinrich Himmler jogado com esse medo constantemente alimentá-lo com novas informações sobre as propostas de golpe de Roehm. Their masterstroke was to claim that Gregor Strasser , whom Hitler hated, was part of the planned conspiracy against him. Sua tacada de mestre foi a alegação de que Gregor Strasser , a quem Hitler odiava, fazia parte da conspiração planejada contra ele. With this news Hitler ordered all the SA leaders to attend a meeting in the Hanselbauer Hotel in Wiesse. Com esta notícia Hitler ordenou que todos os líderes da SA para participar de uma reunião no Hotel Hanselbauer em Wiesse.

Meanwhile Goering and Himmler were drawing up a list of people outside the SA that they wanted killed. Enquanto isso, Goering e Himmler foram a elaboração de uma lista de pessoas de fora da SA que eles queriam morto. The list included Strasser, Kurt von Schleicher , Hitler's predecessor as chancellor, and Gustav von Kahr , who crushed the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. A lista inclui Strasser, Kurt von Schleicher , o antecessor de Hitler como chanceler, e Gustav von Kahr , que esmagou o Putsch em 1923.

On 29th June, 1934. Em 29 de junho de 1934. Hitler, accompanied by the Schutz Staffeinel (SS) , arrived at Wiesse, where he personally arrested Ernst Roehm . Hitler, acompanhado pelo Staffeinel Schutz (SS) , chegou a Wiesse, onde ele pessoalmente preso Ernst Roehm . During the next 24 hours 200 other senior SA officers were arrested on the way to Wiesse. Durante as próximas 24 horas SA 200 outros altos oficiais foram presos a caminho de Wiesse. Many were shot as soon as they were captured but Hitler decided to pardon Roehm because of his past services to the movement. Muitos foram mortos assim que foram capturados, mas Hitler decidiu perdoar Roehm por causa de seu passado de serviços para o movimento. However, after much pressure from Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler , Hitler agreed that Roehm should die. No entanto, após muita pressão de Hermann Göring e Heinrich Himmler , Hitler decidiu que Roehm deve morrer. At first Hitler insisted that Roehm should be allowed to commit suicide but, when he refused, Roehm was shot by two SS men. Na primeira Hitler insistiu que Roehm devem ser autorizados a cometer suicídio, mas, quando ele se recusou, Roehm foi baleado por dois homens da SS.

Roehm was replaced by Victor Lutze as head of the SA. Roehm foi substituído por Victor Lutze como chefe da SA. Lutze was a weak man and the SA gradually lost its power in Hitler's Germany. Lutze era um homem fraco e SA perdeu gradualmente seu poder na Alemanha de Hitler. The Schutz Staffeinel (SS) under the leadership of Himmler grew rapidly during the next few years, replacing the SA as the dominant force in Germany. O Staffeinel Schutz (SS) , sob a liderança de Himmler cresceu rapidamente durante os poucos anos seguintes, substituindo o SA como a força dominante na Alemanha.

The purge of the SA was kept secret until it was announced by Hitler on 13th July. O expurgo das SA foi mantida em segredo até que ela foi anunciada por Hitler em 13 de julho. It was during this speech that Hitler gave the purge its name: Night of the Long Knives (a phrase from a popular Nazi song). Foi durante este discurso que Hitler deu o expurgo seu nome: Noite das Facas Longas (uma frase de um nazista canção popular). Hitler claimed that 61 had been executed while 13 had been shot resisting arrest and three had committed suicide. Hitler afirmou que 61 tinham sido executados, enquanto 13 tinham sido baleado resistência à prisão e três cometeram suicídio. Others have argued that as many as 400 people were killed during the purge. Outros têm argumentado que mais de 400 pessoas foram mortas durante o expurgo. In his speech Hitler explained why he had not relied on the courts to deal with the conspirators: "In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I become the supreme judge of the German people. I gave the order to shoot the ringleaders in this treason." Em seu discurso de Hitler explicou por que ele não contava com os tribunais para lidar com os conspiradores: Nesta hora eu estava responsável pelo destino do alemão, as pessoas e assim me tornar o supremo juiz do alemão. Povos "Eu dei a ordem para filmar os líderes neste traição. "

The Night of the Long Knives was a turning point in the history of Hitler's Germany. A Noite das Facas Longas foi um ponto de viragem na história da Alemanha de Hitler. Hitler had made it clear that he was the supreme ruler of Germany who had the right to be judge and jury, and had the power to decide whether people lived or died. Hitler havia deixado claro que ele era o governante supremo da Alemanha, que tinha o direito de ser juiz e júri, e tinha o poder de decidir se as pessoas viveram ou morreram.

In 1935 Heinrich Hoffman , who worked as a photographer for Adolf Hitler , was treated by Dr. Theodor Morell for gonorrhoea. Em 1935 Heinrich Hoffman , que trabalhava como fotógrafo para Adolf Hitler , foi tratada pelo Dr. Theodor Morell para a gonorréia. Hoffman told Hitler about his new doctor and eventually he was asked to examine the leader of the Nazi Party . Hoffman disse Hitler sobre seu novo médico e, eventualmente, ele foi convidado a examinar o líder do Partido Nazista . At the time Hitler was suffering from stomach cramps. Na época de Hitler estava sofrendo de dores de estômago. According to Morell, this was being caused by "complete exhaustion of the intestinal system" and recommended the treatment of vitamins, hormones, phosphorus, and dextrose. Segundo Morell, isso estava sendo causado por "exaustão completa do sistema intestinal" e recomendou o tratamento de vitaminas, hormônios, fósforo e dextrose.

Hitler's personal physician, Karl Brandt , warned him he was in danger of being poisoned by these large dosages of drugs and vitamins. pessoal médico de Hitler, Karl Brandt , avisou que ele estava em perigo de ser envenenado por essas grandes doses de medicamentos e vitaminas. Hitler rejected Brandt's advice and replied: "No one has ever told me precisely what is wrong with me. Morrell's method of cure is so logical that I have the greatest confidence in him. I shall follow his prescriptions to the letter." Hitler rejeitou o conselho Brandt e respondeu: "Ninguém jamais me disse exatamente o que há de errado comigo o Morrell. Método de cura é tão lógico que eu tenho a maior confiança na letra dele. Vou seguir suas prescrições para". Later he was to remark: "What luck I had to meet Morell. He has saved my life." Mais tarde foi a observação: "Que sorte eu tive que atender Morell vida. Ele salvou a minha."

It was not long before Hitler began to feel unwell again. Não demorou muito antes de Hitler começou a sentir-se mal novamente. As well as stomach cramps he also suffered from headaches, double vision, dizziness and tinnitus. Bem como dores de estômago, ele também sofria de dores de cabeça, visão dupla, tontura e zumbido. Morell began treating Hitler with intestinal bacteria "raised from the best stock owned by a Bulgarian peasant". Morell Hitler começou a tratar com as bactérias intestinais "ressuscitou dentre os melhores ações de propriedade de um camponês búlgaro". Morell tested dozens of unknown drugs on Hitler. Morell testado dezenas de drogas desconhecidas sobre Hitler. This included biologicals from the intestines of male animals and amphetamines. Isto incluiu produtos biológicos a partir de intestinos de animais do sexo masculino e as anfetaminas.

In the 1933 Election campaign, Hitler had promised that if he gained power he would abolish unemployment . Na eleição 1933 da campanha, Hitler havia prometido que se ele ganhou o poder que ele pretende abolir o desemprego . He was lucky in that the German economy was just beginning to recover when he came into office. Teve a sorte de que a economia alemã estava apenas começando a se recuperar quando ele entrou no escritório. However, the policies that Hitler introduced did help to reduce the number of people unemployed in Germany. No entanto, as políticas que Hitler introduziu ajudou a reduzir o número de pessoas desempregadas na Alemanha.

These policies often involved taking away certain freedoms from employers. Estas políticas freqüentemente envolvidos tirar certas liberdades dos empregadores. The government banned the introduction of some labour-saving machinery. O governo proibiu a introdução de alguns mecanismos de poupança de trabalho. Employers also had to get government permission before reducing their labour force. Os empregadores também teve de obter permissão do governo antes de reduzir sua força de trabalho. The government also tended to give work contracts to those companies that relied on manual labour rather than machines. O governo também tendiam a dar os contratos de trabalho para as empresas que dependiam do trabalho manual em vez de máquinas. This was especially true of the government's massive motorway programme. Isto foi especialmente verdadeiro governo maciço programa de auto-estrada. As a result of this scheme Germany developed the most efficient road system in Europe. Como resultado deste regime Alemanha desenvolveu o sistema rodoviário mais eficiente na Europa.

Hitler also abolished taxation on new cars. Hitler também aboliu a tributação sobre os veículos novos. A great lover of cars himself, and influenced by the ideas of Henry Ford , Hitler wanted every family in Germany to own a car. Um grande amante de carros mesmo, e influenciado pelas idéias de Henry Ford , Hitler queria que cada família na Alemanha para comprar um carro. He even became involved in designing the Volkswagen (The People's Car). Ele ainda se envolveu na concepção da Volkswagen (Carro do Povo).

Hitler also encouraged the mass production of radios. Hitler também incentivou a produção em massa de rádios. In this case he was not only concerned with reducing unemployment but saw them as a means of supplying a steady stream of Nazi propaganda to the German people. Neste caso, ele não estava preocupado apenas com a redução do desemprego, mas vê-los como meio de fornecer um fluxo constante de propaganda nazista para o povo alemão.

Youth unemployment was dealt with by the forming of the Voluntary Labour Service (VLS) and the Voluntary Youth Service (VYS), a scheme similar to the Civilian Conservation Corps introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States. O desemprego dos jovens era tratado pela formação do Trabalho Voluntário (VLS) e do Serviço Voluntário Juvenil (vys), um esquema semelhante ao Civilian Conservation Corps introduzidas pela Franklin D. Roosevelt nos Estados Unidos. The VYS planted forests, repaired river banks and helped reclaim wasteland. O vys florestas plantadas, margens de rios reparado e ajudou a recuperar o terreno baldio.

Hitler also reduced unemployment by introducing measures that would encourage women to leave the labour market. Hitler também uma redução do desemprego através da introdução de medidas que encorajem as mulheres a abandonar o mercado de trabalho. Women in certain professions such as doctors and civil servants were dismissed, while other married women were paid a lump sum of 1000 marks to stay at home. As mulheres em certas profissões, como médicos e funcionários públicos foram demitidos, enquanto que outras mulheres casadas foram pagas uma quantia de 1000 marcos para ficar em casa.

By 1937 German unemployment had fallen from six million to one million. Em 1937 alemão de desemprego caiu de 6 a 1 milhões. However, the standard of living for those in employment did not improve in the same way that it had done during the 1920s. No entanto, o padrão de vida para as pessoas com emprego não melhoraram do mesmo modo que tinha feito durante a década de 1920. With the Nazis controlling the trade unions , wage-rates did not increase with productivity, and after a few years of Hitler's rule workers began to privately question his economic policies. Com os nazistas controlar a sindicatos , as taxas de salários não foram aumentados com a produtividade, e depois de alguns anos de regra os trabalhadores Hitler começou a questão privada suas políticas econômicas.

In Mein Kampf Hitler made it absolutely clear that he had a deep hatred of the Jewish race. Em "Mein Kampf" de Hitler deixou absolutamente claro que ele tinha um ódio profundo do judeu corrida. However, anti-Semitism did cause difficulties for Hitler when he was trying to gain power in Germany. No entanto, o anti-semitismo que causam dificuldades para Hitler quando ele estava tentando ganhar poder na Alemanha. Jewish businessmen in Germany and the rest of the world were occasionally able to use their influence to prevent anti-Semitic ideas being promoted. empresários judeus na Alemanha e no resto do mundo eram ocasionalmente capaz de usar sua influência para impedir que as idéias anti-semitas sendo promovido.

Henry Ford was forced to stop publishing anti-Semitic attacks in the United States after the Jewish community organized a boycott of Ford cars in the late 1920s. Lord Rothermere , who used his newspaper, The Daily Mail , to argue for Hitler's policies abruptly withdrew his support in 1930. Henry Ford foi obrigado a parar de anti-semita ataques de publicação nos Estados Unidos após a comunidade judaica organizou um boicote de automóveis Ford no final de 1920. Senhor Rothermere , que usou seu jornal, o Daily Mail , para defender as políticas de Hitler abruptamente retirou a sua apoio em 1930. Later that year, Rothermere told Hitler that Jewish businessmen had withdrawn advertising from the newspaper and he had been forced to "toe the line". Mais tarde naquele ano, disse a Hitler que Rothermere empresários judeus tinham retirado a publicidade do jornal e ele tinha sido forçado a "na linha".

Aware of the power of Jewish money, Hitler began to leave out anti-Semitic comments from his speeches during elections. Ciente do poder do dinheiro judeu, Hitler começou a deixar de fora os comentários anti-semitas de seus discursos durante as eleições. This was one of the major factors in the increase in financial contributions from German industrialists in the 1933 General Election . Este foi um dos principais factores para o aumento das contribuições financeiras dos industriais alemães na eleição geral de 1933 . His change in tactics was so successful that even Jewish businessmen began contributing money to the National Socialist German Workers Party . Sua mudança de tática foi tão bem sucedida que até mesmo os empresários judeus começaram a contribuir com dinheiro para o Nacional-Socialista Alemão dos Trabalhadores .

Once in power Hitler began to express anti-Semitic ideas again. Uma vez no poder de Hitler começaram a expressar idéias anti-semitas novamente. Based on his readings of how blacks were denied civil rights in the southern states in America, Hitler attempted to make life so unpleasant for Jews in Germany that they would emigrate. Com base em suas leituras de como os negros foram negados os direitos civis nos estados do sul dos Estados Unidos, Hitler tentou fazer a vida tão desagradável para os judeus na Alemanha que iria emigrar. The campaign started on 1st April, 1933, when a one-day boycott of Jewish-owned shops took place. A campanha começou em 01 de abril de 1933, quando um dia um boicote de lojas de propriedade judaica ocorreu. Members of the Sturm Abteilung (SA) picketed the shops to ensure the boycott was successful. Os membros do Sturm Abteilung (SA) fizeram piquetes nas lojas para garantir o boicote foi um sucesso.

The hostility of towards Jews increased in Germany. A hostilidade da direção judeus aumentaram na Alemanha. This was reflected in the decision by many shops and restaurants not to serve the Jewish population. Isso se refletiu na decisão por muitas lojas e restaurantes para não servir a população judaica. Placards saying "Jews not admitted" and "Jews enter this place at their own risk" began to appear all over Germany. Cartazes dizendo "os judeus não autorizados" e "os judeus entrar neste lugar em seu próprio risco" começou a aparecer em toda a Alemanha. In some parts of the country Jews were banned from public parks, swimming-pools and public transport. Em algumas partes do país onde os judeus foram proibidos de parques públicos, piscinas e transportes públicos.

Germans were also encouraged not to use Jewish doctors and lawyers. Os alemães também foram incentivadas a não utilizar os médicos judeus e advogados. Jewish civil servants, teachers and those employed by the mass media were sacked. Judaica funcionários, professores e os empregados pela mídia de massa foram demitidos. Members of the SA put pressure on people not to buy goods produced by Jewish companies. Os membros da SA exercer pressão sobre as pessoas a não comprar produtos produzidos por empresas judaicas. For example, the Ullstein Press, the largest publisher of newspapers, books and magazines in Germany, was forced to sell the company to the NSDAP in 1934 after the actions of the SA had made it impossible for them to make a profit. Por exemplo, a imprensa Ullstein, a maior editora de jornais, livros e revistas na Alemanha, foi forçado a vender a empresa ao NSDAP em 1934 após as ações da SA tinha tornado impossível para eles para fazer um lucro.

Many Jewish people who could no longer earn a living left the country. Muitos judeus que já não podia ganhar a vida, deixou o país. The number of Jews emigrating increased after the passing of the Nuremberg Laws on Citizenship and Race in 1935. O número de judeus emigrar aumentou após a aprovação da Leis de Nuremberg de Cidadania e Raça em 1935. Under this new law Jews could no longer be citizens of Germany. No âmbito desta nova lei os judeus não podiam mais ser os cidadãos da Alemanha. It was also made illegal for Jews to marry Aryans. Também foi considerada ilegal pelos judeus para se casar arianos.

The pressure on Jews to leave Germany intensified. A pressão sobre os judeus a deixar a Alemanha se intensificaram. Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Reinhard Heydrich organized a new programme designed to encourage Jews to emigrate. Crystal Night took place on 9th-10th November, 1938. Hitler, Joseph Goebbels e Reinhard Heydrich organizou um novo programa destinado a encorajar os judeus a emigrar. Noite de Cristal teve lugar em a 10 de 09 de novembro de 1938. Presented as a spontaneous reaction of the German people to the news that a German diplomat had been murdered by a young Jewish refugee in Paris, the whole event was in fact organized by the NSDAP . Apresentado como uma reação espontânea do povo alemão à notícia de que um diplomata alemão tinha sido assassinado por um judeu jovem refugiado em Paris, o evento foi na verdade organizado pelo NSDAP .

During Crystal Night over 7,500 Jewish shops were destroyed and 400 synagogues were burnt down. Durante a Noite de Cristal mais de 7.500 lojas judias foram destruídas e 400 sinagogas foram queimadas. Ninety-one Jews were killed and an estimated 20,000 were sent to concentration camps . Noventa e um judeus foram mortos e cerca de 20.000 estimados foram enviados para campos de concentração . Up until this time these camps had been mainly for political prisoners. Até este momento esses campos fora, principalmente para presos políticos. The only people who were punished for the crimes committed on Crystal Night were members of the Sturm Abteilung (SA) who had raped Jewish women (they had broken the Nuremberg Laws on sexual intercourse between Aryans and Jews). As únicas pessoas que foram punidos pelos crimes cometidos na Crystal Night eram membros do Sturm Abteilung (SA) que havia estuprado as mulheres judias (que tinha quebrado as leis de Nuremberg na relação sexual entre arianos e judeus).

After Crystal Night the numbers of Jews wishing to leave Germany increased dramatically. Após a Noite de Cristal do número de judeus que desejam deixar a Alemanha aumentou dramaticamente. It has been calculated that between 1933 and 1939, approximately half the Jewish population of Germany (250,000) left the country. Calcula-se que entre 1933 e 1939, cerca de metade da população judaica da Alemanha (250.000) deixou o país. This included several Jewish scientists who were to play an important role in the fight against fascism during the war. Isso incluía vários cientistas judeus que estavam a desempenhar um papel importante na luta contra o fascismo durante a guerra. A higher number of Jews would have left but anti-Semitism was not restricted to Germany and many countries were reluctant to take them. Um maior número de judeus teria deixado, mas o anti-semitismo não se restringe à Alemanha e muitos países relutam em tomá-los.

Once in power Hitler began to consider how he could expand the territory he controlled. Uma vez no poder de Hitler começou a pensar como ele poderia expandir o território controlado. Hitler's reading of history convinced him that Britain posed the main threat to his dream of a Germany that dominated Europe. leitura da história Hitler convenceu de que a Grã-Bretanha colocou a principal ameaça ao seu sonho de uma Alemanha que dominou a Europa.

In the 1930s Britain still had an empire that covered a quarter of the world. Em 1930 a Grã-Bretanha ainda tinha um império que cobria um quarto do mundo. In the past Britain had reacted swiftly to any country that had threatened her empire or attempted to become the main power in mainland Europe. Na Grã-Bretanha passado tinha reagido bem a qualquer país que tinha ameaçado seu império ou uma tentativa de se tornar a principal potência do continente europeu.

Hitler respected the British and considered them to share many of the qualities possessed by Germans. Hitler respeitados os britânicos e considerou-os a partilhar muitas das qualidades possuídas por alemães. In Mein Kampf he argued that to achieve his foreign policy objectives, Germany would probably have to form an alliance with Britain. Em Mein Kampf ele argumentou que, para alcançar seus objetivos de política externa, a Alemanha provavelmente teria de formar uma aliança com a Grã-Bretanha. "No sacrifice," Hitler wrote, was "too great if it was a necessary means of gaining England's friendship." "Nenhum sacrifício", escreveu Hitler, foi "muito grande se fosse um meio necessário para ganhar a amizade da Inglaterra."

In his first few years in power Hitler had meetings with several British politicians and diplomats. Em seus primeiros anos no poder de Hitler teve reuniões com vários políticos e diplomatas britânicos. He discovered that the British now tended to believe that the terms of the Treaty of Versailles were too harsh on the defeated countries and that Britain was unlikely to declare war if Germany ignored them. Ele descobriu que os britânicos já tendiam a acreditar que os termos do Tratado de Versalhes eram muito duras para os países derrotados e que a Inglaterra era improvável a declarar guerra, se a Alemanha ignorou. Hitler also became aware that the British had a strong dislike of communism and feared a Europe dominated by the Soviet Union . Hitler também percebeu que os britânicos tiveram uma forte aversão ao comunismo e temia uma Europa dominada pela União Soviética .

France was more committed to the Treaty of Versailles but Hitler guessed she would be unwilling to take action against Germany without support of the British. A França foi mais comprometidos com o Tratado de Versalhes, mas Hitler supôs que ela estaria disposta a tomar medidas contra a Alemanha sem o apoio dos britânicos. Hitler therefore felt he was in a strong position. Hitler, por conseguinte, achavam que ele estava em uma posição forte. With Franklin D. Roosevelt , the president of the United States , making it clear that he would not interfere in European disputes and both Italy and Japan having right-wing governments sympathetic to Germany, Hitler felt he was in a position to make a move. Com Franklin D. Roosevelt , o presidente do Estados Unidos , deixando claro que ele não iria interferir nas disputas européias e também a Itália eo Japão tendo-wing governos de direita simpáticos à Alemanha, Hitler se sentia em condições de fazer uma jogada.

In October 1933, Hitler withdrew from the League of Nations and claimed that he had done so because of the failure of the disarmament talks. Em outubro de 1933, Hitler retirou-se da Liga das Nações e alegou que ele tinha feito isso por causa do fracasso das negociações de desarmamento. Hitler argued that under the Treaty of Versailles Germany was militarily weak. Hitler argumentou que sob o Tratado de Versalhes, a Alemanha era militarmente fraco. He said that Germany had been willing to keep to this state of affairs if other countries disarmed. Ele disse que a Alemanha estava disposta a manter este estado de coisas se outros países desarmado. As this had not happened, Germany now had to take measures to protect herself. Como isso não tivesse acontecido, a Alemanha passou a ter de tomar medidas para se proteger.

In the months that followed, Hitler trebled the size of the German Army and completely ignored the restrictions on weapons that had been imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. Nos meses que se seguiram, Hitler triplicou o tamanho do exército alemão e ignorou completamente as restrições sobre as armas que tinham sido impostas pelo Tratado de Versalhes. By 1935, when it was clear that no action was going to be taken against Germany for breaking the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler felt strong enough to introduce military conscription. Em 1935, quando ficou claro que nenhuma ação seria tomada contra a Alemanha, para romper o Tratado de Versalhes, Hitler sentiu-se forte o suficiente para introduzir o recrutamento militar.

Hitler was not sure how far he could go and was constantly looking for clues that would reveal at what point Britain and France would go to war with Germany. Hitler não estava certo o quão longe ele poderia ir lá e estava constantemente à procura de pistas que revelam até que ponto a Inglaterra ea França ir para a guerra com a Alemanha. Hitler was heartened when Benito Mussolini was allowed to send his army Ethiopia in October 1935 without any serious political reaction. Hitler ficou animada quando Benito Mussolini foi autorizado a enviar o seu exército da Etiópia em outubro de 1935, sem qualquer reação política séria.

Hitler knew that both France and Britain were militarily stronger than Germany. Hitler sabia que tanto a França ea Grã-Bretanha eram militarmente mais forte do que na Alemanha. However, he became convinced that they were unwilling to go to war. No entanto, ele se convenceu de que eles não estavam dispostos a ir à guerra. He therefore decided to break another aspect of the Treaty of Versailles by sending German troops into the Rhineland . Ele decidiu então quebrar outro aspecto do Tratado de Versalhes, através do envio de tropas alemãs na Renânia .

The German generals were very much against the plan, claiming that the French Army would win a victory in the military conflict that was bound to follow this action. Os generais alemães eram muito contra o plano, afirmando que o exército francês seria uma vitória no conflito militar que foi obrigado a seguir essa ação. Hitler ignored their advice and on 1st March, 1936, three German battalions marched into the Rhineland. Hitler ignorou seu conselho e em 01 março de 1936, três batalhões alemães invadiram a Renânia.

The French government was horrified to find German troops on their border but were unwilling to take action without the support of the British. O governo francês ficou horrorizado ao descobrir as tropas alemãs na fronteira, mas não estavam dispostos a tomar medidas sem o apoio dos britânicos. The British government argued against going to war over the issue and justified its position by claiming that "Germany was only marching into its own back yard.". O governo britânico argumentou contra a guerra sobre a questão e justifica sua posição afirmando que "a Alemanha foi apenas marchando em seu próprio quintal.".

Hitler's gamble had come off and, full of confidence, he began to make plans to make Austria part of Germany ( Anschluss ). Hitler tinha de jogar fora e vir, cheio de confiança, ele começou a fazer planos para fazer parte da Alemanha Áustria ( Anschluss ). In February, 1938, Hitler invited Kurt von Schuschnigg , the Austrian Chancellor, to meet him at Berchtesgarden. Em fevereiro de 1938, Hitler convidou Kurt von Schuschnigg , o chanceler austríaco, para encontrá-lo na Berchtesgarden. Hitler demanded concessions for the Austrian Nazi Party. Hitler exigiu concessões para o Partido Nazista austríaco. Schuschnigg refused and after resigning was replaced by Arthur Seyss-Inquart , the leader of the Austrian Nazi Party. Schuschnigg recusou e depois de renunciar foi substituído por Arthur Seyss-Inquart , o líder do Partido Nazista austríaco. On 13th March, Seyss-Inquart invited the German Army to occupy Austria and proclaimed union with Germany . Em 13 de março, Seyss-Inquart convidou o exército alemão para ocupar a Áustria e proclamou a união com a Alemanha .

After his success in Austria Hitler was now in a good position to take on Czechoslovakia . Após seu sucesso na Áustria, Hitler estava agora em uma boa posição para enfrentar a Tchecoslováquia . The country had been created in 1918 from territory that had previously been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire . O país havia sido criado em 1918 do território que tinha sido anteriormente parte do Império Austro-Húngaro . As well as the seven million Czechs, two million Slovaks, 700,000 Hungarians and 450,000 Ruthenians there were three and a half million German speaking people living in Czechoslovakia. Bem como os sete milhões de checos, dois milhões de eslovacos, húngaros, 700.000 e 450.000 rutenos havia três milhões e meio de pessoas de língua alemã que vivem na Tchecoslováquia.

Although Czechoslovakia had never been part of Germany, these people liked to call themselves Germans because of their language. Embora Tchecoslováquia nunca tinha sido parte da Alemanha, estas pessoas gostavam de se chamar os alemães por causa de sua língua. Most of these people lived in the Sudetenland , an area on the Czechoslovakian border with Germany. A maioria dessas pessoas viviam na região dos Sudetos , uma área na fronteira da Tchecoslováquia com a Alemanha. The German speaking people complained that the Czech-dominated government discriminated against them. As pessoas que falam alemão reclamou que o governo dominado Checa discriminação contra eles. German's who had lost their jobs in the depression began to argue that they might be better off under Hitler. Alemão, que haviam perdido seus empregos na depressão começou a argumentar que eles possam ser melhor sob Hitler.

Hitler wanted to march into Czechoslovakia but his generals warned him that with its strong army and good mountain defences Czechoslovakia would be a difficult country to overcome. Hitler queria a marchar para a Checoslováquia, mas seus generais lhe advertiu que com o exército de bom e de montanha fortes defesas seu Checoslováquia seria um país difícil de superar. They also added that if Britain, France or the Soviet Union joined on the side of Czechoslovakia, Germany would probably be badly defeated. Também acrescentou que se a Grã-Bretanha, a França ou a União Soviética se juntou ao lado da Checoslováquia, a Alemanha provavelmente seria derrotado mal. One group of senior generals even made plans to overthrow Hitler if he ignored their advice and declared war on Czechoslovakia. Um grupo de generais até fez planos para derrubar Hitler se ele ignorou seu conselho e declarou guerra à Checoslováquia.

In September 1938, Neville Chamberlain , the British prime minister, met Hitler at his home in Berchtesgaden in Germany. Em setembro de 1938, Neville Chamberlain , primeiro-ministro britânico, Hitler encontrou em sua casa em Berchtesgaden, na Alemanha. Hitler threatened to invade Czechoslovakia unless Britain supported Germany's plans to takeover the Sudetenland . Hitler ameaçou invadir a Checoslováquia, a menos britânico apóia os planos da Alemanha para a aquisição dos Sudetas . After discussing the issue with the Edouard Daladier (France) and Eduard Benes (Czechoslovakia), Chamberlain informed Hitler that his proposals were unacceptable. Após discutir o assunto com a Edouard Daladier (França) e Eduard Benes (Checoslováquia), Chamberlain informou Hitler que suas propostas eram inaceitáveis.

Hitler was in a difficult situation but he also knew that Britain and France were unwilling to go to war. Hitler estava em uma situação difícil, mas sabia também que a Grã-Bretanha e França não estavam dispostos a ir à guerra. He also thought it unlikely that these two countries would be keen to join up with the Soviet Union, whose communist system the western democracies hated more that Hitler's fascist dictatorship. Ele também achava pouco provável que estes dois países estariam interessados em juntar-se com a União Soviética, cujo regime comunista, as democracias ocidentais mais odiado que ditadura fascista de Hitler.

Benito Mussolini suggested to Hitler that one way of solving this issue was to hold a four-power conference of Germany, Britain, France and Italy. Benito Mussolini, Hitler sugeriu que uma maneira de resolver esse problema foi a realização de uma Conferência de quatro potências da Alemanha, Grã-Bretanha, França e Itália. This would exclude both Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, and therefore increasing the possibility of reaching an agreement and undermine the solidarity that was developing against Germany. Isso excluiria os Checoslováquia ea União Soviética e, portanto, aumentando a possibilidade de chegar a um acordo e pôr em causa a solidariedade que estava desenvolvendo contra a Alemanha.

The meeting took place in Munich on 29th September, 1938. A reunião teve lugar em Munique em 29 de setembro de 1938. Desperate to avoid war, and anxious to avoid an alliance with Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier agreed that Germany could have the Sudetenland. Desesperado para evitar a guerra, e ansioso para evitar uma aliança com Joseph Stalin e da União Soviética, Neville Chamberlain e Daladier Edouard acordado que a Alemanha poderia ter os Sudetos. In return, Hitler promised not to make any further territorial demands in Europe. Em contrapartida, Hitler prometeu não fazer mais exigências territoriais na Europa.

On 29th September, 1938, Adolf Hitler , Neville Chamberlain , Edouard Daladier and Benito Mussolini signed the Munich Agreement which transferred the Sudetenland to Germany. Em 29 de setembro de 1938, Adolf Hitler , Neville Chamberlain , Edouard Daladier e Benito Mussolini assinaram o Acordo de Munique , que transferiu os Sudetas para a Alemanha.

When Eduard Benes , Czechoslovakia's head of state, protested at this decision, Neville Chamberlain told him that Britain would be unwilling to go to war over the issue of the Sudetenland . Quando Eduard Benes , da Tchecoslováquia chefe de Estado, protestaram contra essa decisão, Neville Chamberlain disse a ele que a Inglaterra estaria disposta a ir à guerra sobre a questão dos Sudetas .

The German Army marched into the Sudetenland on 1st October, 1938. O exército alemão marchou em direção à região dos Sudetas em 1 de outubro de 1938. As this area contained nearly all Czechoslovakia's mountain fortifications, she was no longer able to defend herself against further aggression. Como esta área continha quase Checoslováquia montanha fortificações de tudo, ela não era mais capaz de defender-se contra novas agressões.

From his meetings with Neville Chamberlain , Hitler had discovered that this man would do anything to avoid military conflict. De seus encontros com Neville Chamberlain , Hitler havia descoberto que este homem faria qualquer coisa para evitar um conflito militar. Chamberlain was aware of the appalling destruction that would take place during a modern war. Chamberlain estava ciente da destruição desoladora que terá lugar durante uma guerra moderna. He also feared that a large-scale war in Western Europe would weaken the countries involved to the point where they would be vulnerable to a communist takeover. Ele também temia que uma guerra em grande escala na Europa Ocidental iria enfraquecer os países envolvidos para o ponto onde eles seriam vulneráveis a uma revolução comunista. Hitler told Albrecht Haushofer : "This fellow Chamberlain shook with fear when I uttered the word war. Don't tell me he is dangerous." Haushofer told his friend Fritz Hesse that "Hitler is now convinced that he can afford to do anything. Formerly he believed that we must have the maximum armaments because of the warlike menaces of the Powers striving to encircle us, but now he thinks that these Powers will crawl on all fours before him!" Hitler disse Albrecht Haushofer : Este sacudiu com medo quando pronunciei a palavra guerra. Não colegas me dizem que ele é perigoso ". Chamberlain Haushofer disse a seu amigo Fritz Hesse que" Hitler está convencido de que ele pode dar ao luxo de fazer qualquer coisa. "Antigamente Ele acreditava que devemos ter o máximo de armamento por causa da ameaça bélica das potências que se esforça para envolver-nos, mas agora ele acha que esses Poderes engatinha sobre quatro antes dele! "

Confident that Britain and France would not interfere as long as Germany headed east towards the Soviet Union , Hitler began to make plans for his next step. Poland was the obvious choice as it was in the east and included areas of land taken from Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. Confiantes de que a Grã-Bretanha ea França não iria interferir, enquanto a Alemanha para leste para a União Soviética , Hitler começou a fazer planos para o seu próximo passo. Polônia era a escolha óbvia como era no leste e incluiu as áreas de terra tirada da Alemanha pela Tratado de Versalhes. Hitler began to make speeches demanding the return of Danzig, and German access to East Prussia through Poland. Hitler começou a fazer discursos pedindo a devolução de Danzig, Alemanha e acesso à Prússia Oriental através da Polônia.

Neville Chamberlain now changed tactics in an attempt to convince Hitler that Britain would indeed go to war if Germany continued to invade other countries. Neville Chamberlain agora mudou de tática na tentativa de convencer Hitler de que a Inglaterra seria de fato ir para a guerra, se a Alemanha continuou a invadir outros países. He made a speech in the House of Commons promising to support Poland if it were attacked by Germany. Ele fez um discurso na Câmara dos Comuns, prometendo apoiar a Polónia se fosse atacado pela Alemanha. The British government also sent diplomats to the Soviet Union to talk to Joseph Stalin about the possibility of working together against Germany. O governo britânico também enviou diplomatas para a União Soviética para falar com Joseph Stalin sobre a possibilidade de trabalhar em conjunto contra a Alemanha.

The British government were still uncertain about signing a military agreement with the Soviet Union, and while they hesitated Germany stepped in and signed one instead. O governo britânico ainda estavam incertos sobre a assinatura de um acordo militar com a União Soviética e, enquanto eles hesitavam Alemanha entrou em cena e assinado uma vez. The Nazi-Soviet Pact took the world by surprise. O pacto nazi-soviético tomou o mundo de surpresa. Fascists and communists had always been enemies. Fascistas e comunistas sempre foram inimigos. However, both Hitler and Stalin were opportunists who were willing to compromise for short-term gain. No entanto, Hitler e Stalin eram oportunistas que estavam dispostos a um compromisso para ganhos de curto prazo.

In August 1939, a group of concentration camp prisoners were dressed in Polish uniforms, shot and then placed just inside the German border. Em agosto de 1939, um grupo de prisioneiros de campos de concentração estavam vestidos com uniformes polacos tiro, e depois colocado dentro da fronteira alemã. Hitler claimed that Poland was attempting to invade Germany. Hitler afirmava que a Polónia estava tentando invadir a Alemanha. On 1st September, 1939, the German Army was ordered into Poland. Em 01 de setembro de 1939, o exército alemão foi obrigado a Polónia.

Hitler, who wanted a series of localized wars, was surprised when Neville Chamberlain declared war on Germany . Hitler, que queria uma série de guerras localizadas, ficou surpreso quando Neville Chamberlain declarou guerra à Alemanha . Even after it happened he found it difficult to believe that during the first few months of the war he genuinely believed that Britain would still negotiate a peace settlement. Mesmo após o ocorrido ele achou difícil acreditar que durante os poucos primeiros meses da guerra, ele realmente acreditava que a Grã-Bretanha continuaria a negociar um acordo de paz.

For most of the war Hitler lived underground in a concrete shelter at his headquarters in East Prussia. Para a maior parte da guerra de Hitler viveu em um abrigo subterrâneo de concreto em seu quartel-general na Prússia Oriental. It was here that Hitler controlled the German war effort. Foi ali que Hitler controlava o esforço de guerra alemão. At first he was extremely successful. No começo, ele foi extremamente bem sucedida. Employing fast-moving tanks backed up with air support, Germany defeated Poland in four weeks. Empregando-se movendo rápido reservatórios apoiados com apoio aéreo, a Alemanha derrotou a Polônia em quatro semanas. This victory was followed by the occupation of Norway (four weeks), Netherlands (five days), Belgium (three weeks) and France (six weeks). Esta vitória foi seguido pela ocupação da Noruega (quatro semanas), Holanda (cinco dias), Bélgica (três semanas) e França (seis semanas). The German Army was amazed at how quickly they defeated these countries and they became convinced that Hitler was a military genius. O exército alemão foi surpreendido com a rapidez com que estes países derrotados e eles se convenceram de que Hitler era um gênio militar.

The English Channel meant that these Blitzkrieg tactics could not be continued against Britain. O Canal Inglês significava que estas Blitzkrieg táticas não poderia prosseguir contra a Inglaterra. Hitler had great respect for Britain's navy and airforce and feared that his forces would suffer heavy casualties in any invasion attempt. Hitler tinha grande respeito pela Marinha do Reino Unido e da Força Aérea e temia que suas forças iriam sofrer pesadas baixas em qualquer tentativa de invasão. Hitler, who had not seen the sea until he was over forty, lacked confidence when it came to naval warfare. Hitler, que não tinha visto o mar até estava com mais de quarenta anos, não tinha confiança quando veio a guerra naval. As he told his naval commander-in-chief: "On land I am a hero. At sea I am a coward." Como ele disse a seu comandante naval-em-chefe: "Na terra sou um herói covarde. No mar eu sou um".

At this stage Hitler still hoped that Britain would change sides or at least accept German domination of Europe. Nesta fase, Hitler ainda tinha esperanças que a Inglaterra iria mudar de lado ou pelo menos aceitar a dominação alemã da Europa. His dreams of a large German empire were based on the empire created by the British during the nineteenth century. Seus sonhos de um grande império alemão foram baseadas no império criado pelos ingleses no século XIX. Although Hitler was often guilty of extreme arrogance he lacked confidence and tended to hesitate when dealing with Britain. Embora Hitler era muitas vezes culpados de extrema arrogância, ele não tinha confiança e tendem a hesitar quando se lida com a Grã-Bretanha.

Immediately after the defeat of France in June 1940, Adolf Hitler ordered his generals to organize the invasion of Britain. Imediatamente após a derrota da França em junho de 1940, Adolf Hitler ordenou a seus generais para organizar a invasão da Grã-Bretanha. The invasion plan was given the code name Operation Sealion . O plano de invasão foi dado o nome de código Operação Leão Marinho . The objective was to land 160,000 German soldiers along a forty-mile coastal stretch of south-east England. O objetivo foi à terra 160 mil soldados alemães ao longo de uma milha costeiras trecho de quarenta leste-sul da Inglaterra.

Within a few weeks the Germans had assembled a large armada of vessels, including 2,000 barges in German, Belgian and French harbours. Em poucas semanas, os alemães haviam montado uma grande armada de navios, incluindo 2.000 em barcaças, belga e francês portos alemães. However, Hitler's generals were very worried about the damage that the Royal Air Force could inflict on the German Army during the invasion. No entanto, de os generais de Hitler estavam muito preocupados com os danos que a Royal Air Force poderia infligir sobre o exército alemão durante a invasão. Hitler therefore agreed to their request that the invasion should be postponed until the British airforce had been destroyed. Hitler, portanto, concordou com o pedido de que a invasão deveria ser adiada até a britânica havia sido destruída.

On the 12th August the German airforce began its mass bomber attacks on British radar stations, aircraft factories and fighter airfields. Em 12 de agosto a força aérea alemã começou seus ataques em massa do bombardeiro britânico estações de radar, as fábricas de aviões e aeroportos lutador. During these raids radar stations and airfields were badly damaged and twenty-two RAF planes were destroyed. Durante estas estações de radar invasões e aeródromos foram seriamente danificadas e 22 RAF aviões foram destruídos. This attack was followed by daily raids on Britain. Este ataque foi seguido de ataques diários na Grã-Bretanha. This was the beginning of what became known as the Battle of Britain . Este foi o início daquilo que ficou conhecido como a Batalha da Inglaterra .

Although plans for an invasion of Britain were drawn up Hitler was never very enthusiastic about them and they were eventually abandoned on October 12, 1940. Embora os planos para uma invasão da Grã-Bretanha foram elaboradas Hitler nunca foi muito entusiasmados com eles e eles foram eventualmente abandonadas em 12 de outubro de 1940. Instead, Hitler attempted to batter Britain into submission by organising a sustained night-bombing campaign. Em vez disso, Hitler tentou massa Grã-Bretanha em sua apresentação, organizando uma campanha de bombardeio noturno sustentado.

Frustrated by his lack of immediate success over Britain. Frustrado por sua falta de sucesso imediato sobre a Grã-Bretanha. Hitler began to concentrate his attentions on Eastern Europe. Hitler começou a concentrar suas atenções na Europa Oriental. After taking over Poland , Germany now shared a frontier with the Soviet Union . Depois de assumir a Polónia , a Alemanha agora partilhada a fronteira com a União Soviética .

In Mein Kampf and in numerous speeches Hitler claimed that the German population needed more living space. Em Mein Kampf e nos inúmeros discursos de Hitler afirmou que a população alemã precisava viver mais espaço. Hitler's Lebensraum policy was mainly directed at the Soviet Union. política de Lebensraum Hitler foi essencialmente direccionado para a União Soviética. He was especially interested in the Ukraine where he planned to develop a German colony. Ele estava especialmente interessado na Ucrânia, onde pretendia desenvolver uma colônia alemã. The system would be based on the British occupation of India: "What India was for England the territories of Russia will be for us... The German colonists ought to live on handsome, spacious farms. The German services will be lodged in marvellous buildings, the governors in palaces... The Germans - this is essential - will have to constitute amongst themselves a closed society, like a fortress. The least of our stable-lads will be superior to any native." O sistema seria baseado na ocupação britânica da Índia: "O que a Índia foi para a Inglaterra os territórios da Rússia será para nós ... Os colonos alemães devem viver para o bonitão, fazendas espaçosos edifícios. Alemão Os serviços serão apresentados maravilhoso , os governadores em palácios ... Os alemães - isto é essencial - terão que constituir entre si uma sociedade fechada, como uma fortaleza. A. pelo menos da nossa estável-lads será superior a qualquer outro "nativo

Hitler intended to force Norwegians, Swedes and Danes to move to these territories in the East. Hitler pretendia forçar os noruegueses, suecos e dinamarqueses para se deslocar para estes territórios no leste. Hitler believed that the Blitzkrieg tactics employed against the other European countries could not be used as successfully against the Soviet Union. Hitler acreditava que a Blitzkrieg táticas empregadas contra os outros países europeus não poderiam ser utilizados com sucesso como contra a União Soviética. He conceded that due to its enormous size, the Soviet Union would take longer than other countries to occupy. Ele admitiu que, devido ao seu enorme tamanho, a União Soviética levaria mais tempo do que outros países para ocupar.

Stalin's response to France's defeat in the summer of 1940 was to send Vyacheslav Molotov to Berlin for discussions. resposta do Stalin da derrota da França no Verão de 1940 foi para enviar Vyacheslav Molotov a Berlim para discussões. Molotov was instructed to draw out these talks for as long as possible. Molotov foi instruído a tirar essas conversas para o maior tempo possível. Stalin knew that if Adolf Hitler did not attack the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941 he would have to wait until 1942. Stalin sabia que se Adolf Hitler não atacou a União Soviética no verão de 1941, ele teria que esperar até 1942. No one, not even someone as rash as Hitler, would invade the Soviet Union in the winter, he argued. Ninguém, nem mesmo alguém como erupções cutâneas como Hitler, iria invadir a União Soviética no inverno, argumentou.

Germany was now in a strong negotiating position and found it impossible to agree to Hitler's demands. A Alemanha estava agora em uma posição negocial forte e descobriu que era impossível concordar com demandas de Hitler. As soon as talks broke-up, Hitler ordered his military leaders to prepare for Operation Barbarossa . Tão logo as conversações fracassaram-up, Hitler ordenou que seus chefes militares para se prepararem para a Operação Barbarossa . The plan was for the invasion of the Soviet Union to start on the 15th May, 1941. O plano era para a invasão da União Soviética para iniciar a 15 maio de 1941. Hitler believed that this would give the German Army enough time to take control of the country before the harsh Soviet winter set in. Hitler acreditava que isso daria o tempo suficiente Exército alemão para assumir o controle do país antes do inverno rigoroso Soviética definir pol

Hitler's plan was to attack the Soviet Union in three main army groups: in the north towards Leningrad , in the centre towards Moscow and in the south towards Kiev. do plano de Hitler era atacar a União Soviética em três grupos de exército principal: no norte, na direção de Leningrado , no centro em direção a Moscou e ao sul em direção a Kiev. The German High Command argued that the attack should concentrate on Moscow, the Soviet Union's main communication centre. O Alto Comando alemão alegou que o ataque deve concentrar-se em Moscou, União Soviética, o principal centro de comunicação. Hitler rejected the suggestion and was confident that the German army could achieve all three objectives before the arrival of winter. Hitler rejeitou a sugestão e estava confiante de que o exército alemão poderia alcançar os três objectivos antes da chegada do inverno.

There was also disagreement about Hitler's plans for the territory captured in the Soviet Union. Também houve discordância sobre os planos de Hitler para o território capturado na União Soviética. Himmler's SS rather than the army was to take control. Himmler SS em vez do exército para assumir o controle. The SS were instructed to wipe out all aspects of communism in the Soviet Union. Os SS foram orientados a eliminar todos os aspectos do comunismo na União Soviética. Communist officials should be executed and, as the Russians were 'sub-human', ordinary conventions of behaviour towards captured soldiers did not apply. funcionários comunistas devem ser executadas e, como os russos eram "sub-humano", convenções ordinárias de comportamento em relação aos soldados capturados não se aplica. It is estimated that during the first year of invasion, over a million communists were executed by the SS. Estima-se que durante o primeiro ano da invasão, mais de um milhão de comunistas foram executados pelos SS. Senior officers objected on tactical as well as humanitarian grounds. Os oficiais superiores opuseram a táctica, bem como por razões humanitárias. They argued that knowledge that they faced death or torture would encourage the Soviets to carry on fighting instead of surrendering. Eles argumentaram que o conhecimento que eles enfrentaram a morte ou a tortura seria incentivar os soviéticos para continuar lutando em vez de se render.

Hitler, as always, was unwilling to listen to opposing arguments. Hitler, como sempre, não estava disposto a ouvir argumentos opostos. If his advisers persisted in disagreeing with him Se os seus conselheiros persistiu em desacordo com ele
they were dismissed. eles foram demitidos. Of the seventeen field-marshals only one managed to keep his post throughout the war. Dos dezassete campo marechais só conseguiu manter o seu posto durante a guerra. Thirty-six colonel-generals were also involved in advising Hitler during the Second World War . Trinta e seis generais-coronel também estavam envolvidos no aconselhamento de Hitler durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial . Of these, twenty-six were sacked or executed. Destes, 26 foram demitidos ou executados. As seven were killed in action, only three managed to hold on to their positions during the war. Como sete foram mortos na ação, apenas três conseguiram manter seus cargos durante a guerra.

Hitler's unwillingness to listen to information that might lead him to change his desired goals constantly caused him problems during the war. Hitler é má vontade para ouvir as informações que possam levá-lo a mudar seus objetivos desejados constantemente lhe causou problemas durante a guerra. This was especially true of his attack on the Soviet Union, when he ignored warnings concerning winter weather and poor road conditions. Isto foi especialmente verdadeiro para o seu ataque à União Soviética, quando ele ignorou os avisos sobre o tempo do inverno e más condições da estrada. Instead he relied on information that suggested that the morale in the Red Army was extremely low and that they would rather surrender than be involved in a long drawn-out struggle with Germany . Ao contrário, ele se baseou em informações que sugerem que a moral da Exército Vermelho foi extremamente baixa e que eles preferem se render a ser envolvido em uma luta de longo fôlego, com a Alemanha . Hitler was so confident of early success that the German Army was sent into the Soviet Union with equipment for only a summer campaign. Hitler estava tão confiante no sucesso inicial que o exército alemão foi enviado para a União Soviética com o equipamento por apenas um verão de campanha.

At first the German forces made good progress and important cities such as Riga and Kiev were taken. No início, o exército alemão fez bons progressos e importantes cidades como Riga, Kiev e foram tomadas. However, the heavy rains in October interfered with the speed and efficiency of Germany's tanks. No entanto, as fortes chuvas, em Outubro de interferir na velocidade e eficiência dos tanques de Alemanha. This was followed by heavy snow in November and December that brought Germany's advance to a halt. Isto foi seguido pela neve em novembro e dezembro, que trouxe da Alemanha antecedência a um impasse. Hitler refused to accept his mistake and ignored suggestions that the German army should make a tactical withdrawal. Hitler se recusou a aceitar seu erro e sugestões ignorado que o exército alemão deve fazer um recuo tático.

After taking over Poland Hitler had another three and a half million Jews under his control. Depois de assumir a Polónia Hitler tinha mais três milhões e meio de judeus sob seu controle. For a time there was talk of deporting all Jews to Madagascar or keeping them confined to a small area in Poland. Durante algum tempo falou-se de deportar todos os judeus para Madagascar ou mantê-los confinados a uma pequena área na Polónia.

The number of Jews under Hitler's control grew as German forces advanced deeper into the Soviet Union. O número de judeus sob o controle de Hitler crescia à medida que as forças alemãs avançado mais na União Soviética. Over two million Jews lived in the Soviet Union and most of them lived in the areas under German occupation. Mais de dois milhões judeus viviam na União Soviética ea maioria deles viviam nas áreas sob ocupação alemã. It was while the SS were rounding up the Jews in the Soviet Union that Hitler decided on what became known as the Final Solution . Foi enquanto as SS foram arredondando os judeus na União Soviética, que Hitler decidiu, em que ficou conhecido como a Solução Final .

In 1942, Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary about Hitler's plans: "The Fuehrer... expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe... Not much will remain of the Jews. About sixty per cent of them will have to be liquidated; only about forty per cent can be used for forced labour." Em 1942, Joseph Goebbels escreveu em seu diário sobre os planos de Hitler: "O Fuhrer ... manifestou a sua determinação em limpar os judeus na Europa ... Não é muito permanecerá dos judeus ser. Cerca de sessenta por cento deles terá que liquidada, apenas cerca de quarenta por cento pode ser usado para o trabalho forçado ".

Special units from the SS were set up under the control of Heinrich Himmler to carry out this extermination programme. As unidades especiais da SS foram criadas sob o controle de Heinrich Himmler para a realização deste programa de extermínio. At first the victims were shot but, with a high proportion of those involved in the killings suffering from nervous breakdowns a more impersonal method was developed. Na primeira as vítimas foram baleadas, mas com uma elevada proporção dos envolvidos nos assassinatos que sofrem de crises nervosas um método mais impessoal foi desenvolvido.

By the beginning of 1942 over 500,000 Jews in Poland and Russia had been killed by the Schutz Staffeinel (SS) . No início de 1942 mais de 500.000 judeus na Polônia e na Rússia havia sido morto pela Staffeinel Schutz (SS) . At the Wannsee Conference held in January 1942, Reinhard Heydrich chaired a meeting to consider what to do with the large number of Jews in Germany's concentration camps . Na Conferência de Wannsee , realizada em janeiro de 1942, Reinhard Heydrich presidiu a uma reunião para considerar o que fazer com o grande número de judeus na Alemanha campos de concentração . Also at the meeting were Heinrich Muller , Adolf Eichmann and Roland Friesler . Também na reunião foram Heinrich Muller , Adolf Eichmann e Roland Friesler .

Those at the meeting eventually decided on what became known as the Final Solution. Os presentes à reunião acabou por decidir sobre o que ficou conhecido como a Solução Final. From that date the extermination of the Jews became a systematically organized operation. A partir dessa data, o extermínio dos judeus tornou-se uma operação organizada de forma sistemática. After this date extermination camps were established in the east that had the capacity to kill large numbers including Belzec (15,000 a day), Sobibor (20,000), Treblinka (25,000) and Majdanek (25,000). Após esta data, os campos de extermínio foram estabelecidos no leste que tinham a capacidade de matar grandes números, incluindo Belzec (15.000 por dia), Sobibor (20.000), Treblinka (25.000) e Majdanek (25.000).

It was decided to make the extermination of the Jews a systematically organized operation. Foi decidido fazer o extermínio dos judeus uma operação organizada de forma sistemática. After this date extermination camps were established in the east that had the capacity to kill large numbers including Belzec (15,000 a day), Sobibor (20,000), Treblinka (25,000) and Majdanek (25,000). Após esta data, os campos de extermínio foram estabelecidos no leste que tinham a capacidade de matar grandes números, incluindo Belzec (15.000 por dia), Sobibor (20.000), Treblinka (25.000) e Majdanek (25.000). It has been estimated that between 1942 and 1945 around 18 million were sent to extermination camps. Estima-se que entre 1942 e 1945 cerca de 18 milhões foram enviados para campos de extermínio. Of these, historians have estimated that between five and eleven million were killed. Destes, os historiadores estimam que entre cinco e onze milhões foram mortos.

Except for the execution of Ernst Roehm , Hitler never showed any signs of remorse when people died because of his actions. Exceto para a execução de Ernst Roehm , Hitler nunca mostrou qualquer sinal de remorso quando as pessoas morriam por causa de suas ações. It was reported that Hitler used to laugh when Joseph Goebbels described the sufferings of the Jews. Foi relatado que Hitler costumava rir quando Joseph Goebbels descreveu o sofrimento dos judeus.

Hitler also showed little concern over the numbers of Germans who died. Hitler também mostrou pouca preocupação com o número de alemães que morreram. Late in the war, when all chance of victory had disappeared, he gave orders that resulted in thousands of German soldiers being unnecessarily killed. No final da guerra, quando todas as chances de vitória havia desaparecido, ele deu ordens para que resultou em milhares de soldados alemães morreram desnecessariamente. When commanders refused to carry out these orders he had them executed. Quando os comandantes se recusou a levar a cabo estas ordens que eles tinham executado. Hitler never showed any signs of regret for these actions. Hitler nunca mostrou quaisquer sinais de arrependimento por essas ações. He once remarked that a guilty conscience was a Jewish invention. Ele observou certa vez que uma consciência culpada foi uma invenção judaica.

At the start of the Second World War , President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced the intention of the United States to remain neutral. No início da Segunda Guerra Mundial , o presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt anunciou a intenção dos Estados Unidos de manter a neutralidade. Roosevelt was personally hostile to Hitler's Nazi dictatorship but he was aware that the American people had no desire to become involved in the war. Roosevelt foi pessoalmente hostis à ditadura nazista de Hitler, mas ele estava ciente de que o povo americano não tinha vontade de se envolver na guerra. However, Roosevelt did arrange for Britain to receive supplies and loans that enabled her to continue fighting the war. No entanto, Roosevelt fez para organizar a Grã-Bretanha a receber suprimentos e empréstimos que lhe permitiu continuar a lutar na guerra.

Hitler believed that he would eventually be forced to fight the United States but he wanted to make sure that he controlled Europe before that happened. Hitler acreditava que ele acabaria por ser forçado a lutar contra os Estados Unidos, mas queria ter certeza de que ele controlava a Europa antes que isso acontecesse. He gave strict instructions that German submarines should avoid firing on ships that were likely to be carrying American passengers. Ele deu instruções estritas que os submarinos alemães deve evitar demissão em navios que eram susceptíveis de ser o transporte de passageiros americanos. He also attempted to persuade his Japanese allies to attack the Soviet Union and to leave the United States alone. Ele também tentou persuadir seus aliados japoneses para atacar a União Soviética e para deixar os Estados Unidos. They ignored Hitler's advice and on December 7, 1941, the Japanese Air Force attacked Pearl Harbor and declared war on the United States. Eles ignoraram o conselho de Hitler e em 07 de dezembro de 1941, a Força Aérea Japonesa atacaram Pearl Harbor e declararam guerra aos Estados Unidos.

Hitler, who had not been told of Japanese plans, was furious at first that the United States had been dragged into the war. Hitler, que não tinha sido informado dos planos japoneses, ficou furioso com a primeira que os Estados Unidos tinham sido arrastados para a guerra. Hitler, who had previously called the Japanese "honorary Aryans" claimed that this is what happens what your allies are not Anglo-Saxons. Hitler, que já havia chamado o japonês "arianos honorários" alegou que isso é o que acontece que seus aliados não são os anglo-saxões.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan but did not mention Germany in his speech. O presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt declarou guerra ao Japão , mas não mencionou a Alemanha em seu discurso. It was still possible for Hitler to postpone the war with the United States but he decided to honour his treaty obligations with Japan, and on December 11 announced that Germany was at war with the United States. Foi ainda possível para Hitler a adiar a guerra com os Estados Unidos, mas ele decidiu honrar as suas obrigações de tratado com o Japão, e em 11 de dezembro anunciou que a Alemanha estava em guerra com os Estados Unidos. Once again he became a victim of his own prejudice. Mais uma vez ele se tornou vítima de seu próprio preconceito. Hitler claimed that America had been "corrupted by Jewish and African blood" and would be no match for Aryans. Hitler afirmou que a América tinha sido "corrompidos por e Africano sangue judeu", e seria páreo para os arianos.

In the second campaign on the Soviet Union Hitler concentrated his attack on Stalingrad . A segunda campanha na União Soviética, Hitler concentrou seu ataque em Stalingrado . During the winter of 1941-42 the Soviets had reorganised their defences and were able to halt the German advances. Durante o inverno de 1941-42 os soviéticos haviam reorganizado suas defesas e foram capazes de deter o avanço alemão. In the autumn of 1942 they counter-attacked and by November the German Sixth Army was surrounded. No outono de 1942 eles contra-atacaram e em novembro o Sexto Exército alemão foi cercado. The German Army commander in the Soviet Union, Freidrich Paulus , asked permission to break out, but Hitler, refusing to believe the Soviets could beat Germany in battle, told Paulus to stand and fight. O exército alemão, comandante-em-União Soviética, Freidrich Paulus , pediu permissão para sair, mas Hitler, recusando-se a acreditar que os soviéticos poderiam vencer a Alemanha no campo de batalha, disse Paulus ao resistir e lutar. On February 2, 1943, Paulus and the Sixth Army were forced to surrender. Em 02 de fevereiro de 1943, Paulus e do Sexto Exército foram forçados a se render. Out of the 265,000 men, 100,000 had been killed, 34,000 wounded and 90,000 taken prisoner. Fora dos homens 265.000, 100.000 haviam sido mortos, 34.000 feridos e 90.000 prisioneiros.

Once again Hitler refused to accept responsibility and failed to learn from the defeat. Mais uma vez, Hitler se recusou a aceitar a responsabilidade e não aprender com a derrota. He blamed Hermann Goering and the Luftwaffe for not providing the Sixth Army with the necessary support. Ele culpou Hermann Goering ea Luftwaffe para não fornecer o sexto exército com o apoio necessário. He also claimed that he was travelling by train during an important stage of the battle and was therefore not in a position to direct operations which would have enabled the Sixth Army to defeat the Soviet forces. Ele também alegou que ele estava viajando de trem durante uma fase importante da batalha e não foi, portanto, em condições de operações diretas, o que teria permitido o sexto exército para derrotar as forças soviéticas.

The German defeat at Stalingrad was the turning point in the war. A derrota alemã em Stalingrado foi o ponto de viragem na guerra. The Soviet army now began to advance from the East. O exército soviético agora começaram a avançar a partir do Oriente. For the rest of the war Germany was on the retreat. Para o resto da guerra a Alemanha estava em retirada.

Hitler had always found it difficult to cope with defeat. Hitler sempre achou difícil lidar com a derrota. He refused to believe he was guilty of mistakes and instead accused those around him of betrayal. Ele se recusou a acreditar que ele era culpado de erros e, em vez acusou os que o rodeavam de traição. Hitler began to suffer from depression and his insomnia became worse. Hitler começou a sofrer de depressão e sua insônia tornou-se pior.

In 1943 Hitler's health deteriorated rapidly. Em 1943 sua saúde deteriorou-se rapidamente Hitler. He was constantly ill with stomach pains, headaches, nausea, shivering fits and diarrhoea and was now completely dependent on the treatment of Dr Theodor Morell . Ele estava constantemente doente, com dores de estômago, dores de cabeça, náuseas, calafrios e diarréia se encaixa e agora estava completamente dependente do tratamento do Dr. Theodor Morell . In September 1944, Hitler suffered a heart attack and was forced to spend several days in bed. Em setembro de 1944, Hitler sofreu um ataque cardíaco e foi forçado a passar vários dias na cama. He also showed signs of Parkinson's disease. Ele também apresentava sinais de doença de Parkinson. Morell was now sent away and Hitler turned to Dr Karl Brandt . Morell era agora mandada embora e Hitler se voltou para o Dr. Karl Brandt .

Hitler was constantly tired. Hitler estava sempre cansado. He rarely got out of bed before 11.00 am At noon he was informed of the latest military developments. Ele raramente saiu da cama antes de 11:00 Ao meio-dia, ele foi informado dos últimos acontecimentos militares. After quickly considering the news Hitler issued his orders to the relevant military personnel. Após uma rápida considerando as notícias Hitler emitiu ordens para o pessoal militar relevante. After Germany's defeat at Stalingrad , Hitler was unwilling to discuss the war outside these conferences and refused to read reports that gave bad news. Depois da derrota da Alemanha em Stalingrado , Hitler não estava disposto a discutir a guerra fora dessas conferências e recusou-se a ler os relatórios que lhe deu uma má notícia. His secretaries, for example, were ordered not to mention the war in Hitler's presence. Seus secretários, por exemplo, foram requisitados para não mencionar a guerra na presença de Hitler.

Hitler would then have a long lunch followed by an afternoon nap. Hitler teria, então, um longo almoço seguido de um cochilo à tarde. When Hitler was asleep no one was allowed to disturb him. Quando Hitler estava dormindo, ninguém foi autorizado a perturbá-lo. Even when important events were taking place, such as the allied landing in Normandy , Hitler was left to carry on sleeping. Mesmo quando eventos importantes aconteceram, como o desembarque aliado na Normandia , Hitler foi deixado para continuar dormindo.

Whereas Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt made use of radio broadcasts to raise the morale of their people. Considerando que Winston Churchill e Franklin D. Roosevelt fez uso de programas de rádio para levantar o moral do seu povo. Hitler remained virtually silent. Hitler manteve-se praticamente em silêncio. After the German defeat at Stalingrad, Hitler only made two public speeches and five radio broadcasts. Após a derrota alemã em Stalingrado, Hitler só fez dois discursos públicos e cinco emissoras de rádio. Nor did he make visits to bombed areas of Germany . Ele também não fez visitas às áreas bombardeadas da Alemanha . Hitler also avoided contact with injured German soldiers and rarely visited the front. Hitler também evitou o contato com soldados alemães feridos e raramente visitou a frente.

By 1943, it became clear to many senior German officers that to continue fighting a war on two fronts was bound to end in failure. Em 1943, tornou-se claro para muitos altos oficiais alemães que continuar lutando uma guerra em duas frentes foi obrigado a terminar em fracasso. It was proposed that Germany should negotiate a peace with Britain and the United States, which would then allow them to concentrate their efforts on defeating the Soviet Union. Foi proposto que a Alemanha deveria negociar uma paz com a Grã-Bretanha e os Estados Unidos, que então lhes permitam concentrar seus esforços em derrotar a União Soviética.

Hitler rejected this idea. Hitler rejeitou essa idéia. He knew that the allies would insist on his removal before agreeing to a deal with Germany. Ele sabia que os aliados iriam insistir em sua remoção antes de concordar com um acordo com a Alemanha. Some senior officers decided that the only solution was to assassinate Hitler. Alguns oficiais superiores decidiram que a única solução era assassinar Hitler. In 1943 seven assassination attempts were planned but none of them was successfully carried out. Em 1943, sete tentativas de assassinato foram planejadas, mas nenhum deles foi realizado com sucesso.

The most dramatic of these attempts was the July Plot . O mais dramático dessas tentativas foi o Terreno julho . On July 20, 1944, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg , who was attending one of Hitler's military conferences, placed a bomb in a briefcase under the table. Em 20 de julho de 1944, o coronel Claus von Stauffenberg , que estava participando de um dos militares conferências de Hitler, colocou uma bomba numa maleta embaixo da mesa. When the bomb exploded it killed four people and seriously injured ten others, but Hitler only suffered minor cuts and burns. Quando a bomba explodiu, matou quatro pessoas e dez ficaram feridas gravemente, mas Hitler sofreu apenas pequenos cortes e queimaduras.

Over the next few months most of those involved in plot to kill Hitler, including Wilhelm Canaris , Carl Goerdeler , Julius Leber , Ulrich Hassell , Hans Oster , Peter von Wartenburg , Henning von Tresckow , Ludwig Beck , Erwin von Witzleben and Erich Fromm were either executed or committed suicide.

It is estimated that around 4,980 Germans were executed after the July Plot . Hitler decided that the leaders should have a slow death. They were hung with piano wire from meat-hooks. Their executions were filmed and later shown to senior members of both the NSDAP and the armed forces.

Hitler believed that General Erwin Rommel , Germany's most famous military leader, was also involved in the July Plot. Rommel was so popular that Hitler was unwilling to have him executed for treason. Rommel was therefore forced to commit suicide and the public was told that he had died of a heart attack.

In January 1945, the Soviet troops entered Nazi Germany . Hitler was forced to leave his headquarters in East Prussia and moved south to Berlin. Soon afterwards he was joined by his mistress, Eva Braun. Hitler talked of the possibility that Britain and the United States would go to war with the Soviet Union and that Germany would be saved. He told one of his generals that "throughout history coalitions have always gone to pieces sooner or later." Hitler was right that the Soviet Union and the United States would eventually be in conflict, but unfortunately for him this did not happen until after the war had ended.

Hitler was now nearly fifty-five years old but looked much older. His hair had gone grey, his body was stooped, and he had difficulty in walking. His voice had become feeble and his eyesight was so poor that that he needed special lenses even to read documents from his 'Fuehrer typewriter'.

Hitler also developed a tremor in his left arm and leg. He had originally suffered from this during the First World War and also after the failure of the Munich Putsch in 1923. It was a nervous disorder that reappeared whenever Hitler felt he was in danger.

People who had not seen him for a few months were shocked by his appearance. One man remarked: "It was a ghastly physical image he presented. The upper part of his body was bowed and he dragged his feet as he made his way slowly and laboriously through the bunker from his living room... If anyone happened to stop him during this short walk (some fifty or sixty yards), he was forced either to sit down on one of the seats placed along the walls for the purpose, or to catch hold of the person he was speaking to... Often saliva would dribble from the comers of his mouth... presenting a hideous and pitiful spectacle."

Heinrich Himmler and Herman Goering both considered the possibility of overthrowing Hitler. One plan involved Himmler arresting Hitler and announcing to the German people that Hitler had retired due to ill-health. Their main concern was to do a deal with Britain and the United States that would prevent the Soviet Union occupying Germany. The German leaders were not only concerned about the imposition of communism, but also feared what Soviet soldiers anxious to gain revenge for the war crimes committed against their people by the SS might do. (Of the five million Soviet soldiers captured by the Germans an estimated three million were murdered or allowed to die of starvation.)

When the Soviet troops entered Germany it was suggested that Hitler should try to escape. Hitler rejected the idea as he feared the possibility of being captured. He had heard stories of how the Soviet troops planned to parade him through the streets of Germany in a cage. To prevent this humiliation Hitler decided to commit suicide.

Two days before his death Hitler married Eva Braun . That night he tested out a cyanide pill on his pet Alsatian dog, Blondi. Braun agreed to commit suicide with him. She could have become rich by writing her memoirs but she preferred not to live without Hitler.

The Soviet troops were now only 300 yards away from Hitler's underground bunker. Although defeat was inevitable, Hitler insisted his troops fight to the death. Instructions were constantly being sent out giving orders for the execution of any military commanders who retreated.

Hitler made a will leaving all his property to the Nazi Party . On 30th April, 1945, after saying their farewells, Hitler and Eva Braun went into a private room and took cyanide tablets. Hitler also shot himself in the head. His body was then cremated and his ashes were hidden in the Chancellery grounds.

The place where he was buried is now under the shadow of the Berlin Wall. The man who tried to increase the size of Germany had in fact become responsible for dividing it into two.

As a direct result of Hitler's actions, communism, which he had attempted to destroy, covered the whole of Eastern Europe, including half of Germany. The Jewish race, which he had tried to eliminate, had formed their own state and became a powerful force in world politics.

Hitler left a devastated Europe and with it a warning for the future. His regime had illustrated the dangers of nationalism, the obscenity of racism and the importance of democracy. It was an expensive lesson, but it did provide the basis for a better future.

Adolf Hitler : Schools Wikipedia

Nazi Germany Books

Time Search: Spartacus Educational Tempo de pesquisa: Educação Spartacus

Forum Debates Debates do Fórum

Second World War Discussions Fórum Mundial Segunda Guerra

Second World War: Questions for Historians Segunda Guerra Mundial: Perguntas para historiadores

History Debates Debates História

Controversial Issues in History Assuntos controversos na História

Nazism and Communism O nazismo eo comunismo

Churchill and Hitler Churchill e Hitler

Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church Hitler ea Igreja Católica Romana

Who won the Second World War? Quem ganhou a Segunda Guerra Mundial?

(1) Adolf Hitler, wrote in Mein Kampf about receiving the letter that told him he had been accepted for the German Army at the outbreak of the First World War .

I opened the document with trembling hands; no words of mine can describe the satisfaction I felt. Within a few days I was wearing that uniform which I was not to put off again for nearly six years.

(2) Hans Mend, a soldier in Adolf Hitler's regiment, interview in 1936.

Hitler was a strange fellow. He spent long periods of time sitting in the corner holding his head in silence. Then all of a sudden he would jump up, and running about excitedly, make a speech attacking the Jews.

(3) Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (1925)

On the 13th October, 1918, I was caught in a heavy British gas attack at Ypres. I stumbled back with burning eyes taking with me my last report of war. A few hours later, my eyes had turned into glowing coals and it had grown dark around me.

(4) Adolf Hitler was in hospital recovering from a chlorine gas attack when he heard that the German government had surrendered.

Everything went black before my eyes; I tottered and groped my way back to the ward, threw myself on my bunk, and dug my burning head into my blanket and pillow. So it had all been in vain. In vain all the sacrifices and privations; in vain the hours in which, with mortal fear clutching at our hearts, we nevertheless did our duty; in vain the death of two million who died. Had they died for this? Did all this happen only so that a gang of wretched criminals could lay hands on the Fatherland.

I knew that all was lost. Only fools, liars and criminals could hope for mercy from the enemy. In these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for this deed. Miserable and degenerate criminals! The more I tried to achieve clarity on the monstrous events in this hour, the more the shame of indignation and disgrace burned my brow.

(5) Kurt Ludecke first heard Adolf Hitler speak in 1922.

I studied this slight, pale man, his brown hair parted on one side and falling again and again over his sweating brow. Threatening and beseeching, with small pleading hands and flaming steel-blue eyes, he had the look of a fanatic. Presently my critical faculty was swept away he was holding the masses, and me with them, under a hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his conviction.

(6) Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (1925)

The masses find it difficult to understand politics, their intelligence is small. Therefore all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points. The masses will only remember only the simplest ideas repeated a thousand times over. If I approach the masses with reasoned arguments, they will not understand me. In the mass meeting, their reasoning power is paralyzed. What I say is like an order given under hypnosis.

(7) Emil Kirdorf spoke about meeting Adolf Hitler for the first time in 1927 in an interview published in Preussische Zeitung (1937).

The inexorable logic and clear conciseness of his train of thought filled me with such enthusiasm with what he said. I asked the Führer to write a pamphlet on the topics he had discussed with me. I then distributed the pamphlet in business and industrial circles. Shortly after our Munich conversation and as a result of the pamphlet written by the Führer and distributed by me, several meetings took place between the Führer and leading industrial personalities.

(8) Adolf Hitler , The Road to Resurgence (1927)

Instead of raising aloft the merits of race and nation, millions of our people pay homage to the idea of internationally.

The strength and genius of the individual person are, in line with the absurd nature of democracy, being set aside in favour of majority rule, which amounts to nothing more than weakness and stupidity.

And rather than recognize and affirm the necessity of struggle, people are preaching theories of pacifism, reconciliation among nations and eternal peace.

These three outrages against mankind, which we can recognize through all history as the true signs of decadence in races and states, and whose more zealous propagandist is the international Jew, are the characteristic symptoms of Marxism which is progressively gaining a hold on our people.

(9) Adolf Hitler , The Road to Resurgence (1927)

Germany, England, France and Italy are dependent on exports. Indeed, even America is leaving the purely domestic economic circuit and is emerging as an industrial competitor on a worldwide scale, helped, to be sure, by sources of raw materials that are just as cheap as they are inexhaustible. Especially in the sphere of the motorization of the world. America appears to be cornering the whole world market. In addition, the outside world has succeeded in breaking down a number of German monopolies on the world market thanks to the coercive restraints of wartime and the result of peace treaties.

Finally, however, the economies of the world's great industrial states are backed up by their political power. And the decisive factor in economic conflict in the world was never yet rested in the skill and know-how of the various competitors, but rather in the might of the sword they could wield to tip the scales for their businesses and hence their lives.

(10) Adolf Hitler , speech to the NSDAP Women's Organization (September, 1934)

The slogan "emancipation of women" was invented by Jewish intellectuals. If the man's world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman's in a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? The great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. We do not consider it correct for the women to interfere in the world of the man. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct.

(11) Adolf Hitler , speech (September, 1935)

The so-called granting of equal rights to women, which Marxism demands, in reality does not grant equal rights but constitutes a deprivation of rights, since it draws the woman into an area in which she will necessarily be inferior. The woman has her own battlefield. With every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation.

(12) The Münchener Post (20th September 1931)

In a flat on Prinzregentenplatz a 23-year-old music student, a niece of Hitler's, has shot herself. For two years the girl had been living in a furnished room in a flat on the same floor on which Hitler's flat was situated. What drove the student to kill herself is still unknown. She was Angela Raubal, the daughter of Hitler's half-sister. On Friday 18 September there was once again a violent quarrel between Herr Hitler and his niece. What was the reason? Qual foi o motivo? The vivacious 23-year-old music student, Geli, wanted to go to Vienna, she wanted to become engaged. Hitler was strongly opposed to this. The two of them had recurrent disagreements about it. After a violent scene, Hitler left his flat on the second floor of 16 Prinzregentenplatz.

On Saturday 19 September it was reported that Fraulein Geli had been found shot in the flat with Hitler's gun in her hand. The dead woman's nose was broken, and there were other serious injuries on the body. From a letter to a female friend living in Vienna, it is clear that Fraulein Geli had the firm intention of going to Vienna. The letter was never posted. The mother of the girl, a half-sister of Herr Hitler, lives in Berchtesgaden; she was summoned to Munich. Gentlemen from the Brown House then conferred on what should be published about the motive for the suicide. It was agreed that Geli's death should be explained in terms of frustrated artistic ambitions.

(13) Ernst Hanfstaengel , The Missing Years (1957)

I am sure that the death of Geli Raubal marked a turning point in the development of Hitler's character. This relationship, whatever form it took in their intimacy, had provided him for the first time in his life with a release to his nervous energy which only too soon was to find its final expression in ruthlessness and savagery. His long connexion with Eva Braun never produced the moon-calf interludes he had enjoyed with Geli and which might in due course, perhaps, have made a normal man out of him. With her death the way was clear for his final development into a demon, with his sex life deteriorating again into a sort of bisexual narcissus-like vanity, with Eva Braun little more than a vague domestic adjunct.

(14) Frederick T. Birchall, New York Times (19th August, 1934)

Eighty-nine and nine-tenths per cent of the German voters endorsed in yesterday's plebiscite Chancellor Hitler's assumption of greater power than has ever been possessed by any other ruler in modern times. Nearly 10 per cent indicated their disapproval. The result was expected.

The German people were asked to vote whether they approved the consolidation of the offices of President and Chancellor in a single Leader-Chancellor personified by Adolf Hitler. By every appeal known to skillful politicians and with every argument to the contrary suppressed, they were asked to make their approval unanimous.

Nevertheless 10 per cent of the voters have admittedly braved possible consequences by answering "No" or made their answers, ineffective by spoiling the simplest of ballots. There was a plain short question and two circles, one labeled "Yes" and the other "No," in one of which the voter had to make a cross. Yet there were nearly 1,000,000 spoiled ballots.

The results given out by the Propaganda Ministry early this morning show that out of a total vote of 43,438,378, cast by a possible voting population of more than 45,000,000, there were 38,279,514 who answered "Yes," 4,287,808 who answered "No" and there were 871,056 defective ballots. Thus there is an affirmative vote of almost 90 per cent of the valid votes and a negative vote of nearly 10 per cent exclusive of the spoiled ballots which may or may not have been deliberately rendered defective.

The endorsement gives Chancellor Hitler, who four years ago was not even a German citizen, dictatorial powers unequaled in any other country, and probably unequaled in history since the days of Genghis Khan. He has more power than Joseph Stalin in Russia, who has a party machine to reckon with; more power than Premier Mussolini of Italy who shares his prerogative with the titular ruler; more than any American President ever dreamed of.

No other ruler has so widespread power nor so obedient and compliant subordinates. The question that interests the outside world now is what Chancellor Hitler will do with such unprecedented authority.

In the Communist districts protest votes with Communist inscriptions were rare. In Western Berlin they were more frequent. In one district five ballots had the name "Thaelmann" written in. (Ernst Thaelmann is an imprisoned Communist leader.) One ballot contained this inscription, "Since nothing has happened to me so far I vote 'Yes.'" It was signed "Non-Aryan."

Interesting also are the following results: the hospital of the Jewish community in one district cast 168 "Yes" votes, 92 "Noes," and 46 ballots were invalid. The Jewish Home for Aged People in another district cast 94 "Yes" votes, four "Noes" and three invalid ballots. This vote is explainable, of course, by the fear of reprisals if the results from these Jewish institutions had been otherwise. It is paralleled by other results outside Berlin.

In all Bavaria Chancellor Hitler received the largest vote in his favor in the concentration camp at Dachau where 1,554 persons voted "Yes" and only eight "No" and there were only ten spoiled ballots.

Hamburg, which only two days ago gave Herr Hitler the most enthusiastic reception he had ever received anywhere, led the country in the opposition vote. The official figures were: Total vote cast, 840,000; "Yes," 651,000; "No," 168,000; invalidated ballots, 21,000.

The "No" vote, in other words was 20 per cent of the total vote. Counting the invalid ballots as negative in intent, the total opposition votes exceeded 22 per cent. The percentage of the electorate voting was 92.4.

Hamburg is the home city of Ernst Thaelmann and on his triumphant entry into the city on Friday, Herr Hitler made it a point to drive past Thaelmann's former home.

As far as observers could ascertain, the election everywhere was conducted with perfect propriety, and secrecy of the ballot was safe-guarded. The ballots were marked in regular election booths and placed in envelopes and these were put in the ballot boxes. After the voting had ended the ballot box was emptied on a large table and the vote was counted publicly in the regular manner. Appraising of individual votes seemed impossible.

One check on possible non-voters, however, was exercised by instructions that the voting authorizations issued to those who for one reason or another planned to be outside their regular voting district on election day must be returned unless used. The number of such authorizations issued for this election exceeded anything known before.

Throughout the day Storm Troopers stood before each polling place with banners calling on the voters to vote "Yes." Otherwise voters remained unmolested. Inside the polling places uniforms and even party emblems had been forbidden, but the execution of this order was lax. In some apparently doubtful districts brown uniforms dominated the scene as a warning to would-be opponents.

(15) Adolf Hitler met Kurt von Schuschnigg , the Austrian Federal Chancellor on 12th February, 1938. Schuschnigg later recalled what Hitler said to him at the meeting about marching into the Rhineland in March, 1936.)

Don't believe that anyone in the world will hinder me in my decisions! Italy? I am quite clear with Mussolini; with Italy I am on the closest possible terms. England? Inglaterra? England will not lift a finger for Austria. And France? Well, two years ago when we marched into the Rhineland with a handful of battalions - at that moment I risked a great deal. If France had marched then, we should have been forced to withdraw. But for France it is now too late!

(16) Statement issued by Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler after the signing of the Munich Agreement (30th September)

We, the German Führer and Chancellor and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for the two countries and for Europe.

We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as Symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again. We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries.

(17) Adolf Hitler , speech at Koenigsberg (25th March, 1938)

Certain foreign newspapers have said that we fell on Austria with brutal methods. Alguns jornais estrangeiros dizem que caiu sobre a Áustria com métodos brutais. I can only say; even in death they cannot stop lying. Só posso dizer, mesmo na morte não pode parar de mentir. I have in the course of my political struggle won much love from my people, but when I crossed the former frontier (into Austria) there met me such a stream of love as I have never experienced. Eu tenho no curso da minha luta política ganhou muito amor do meu povo, mas quando eu cruzei a fronteira anterior (na Áustria) não me conheceu como uma corrente de amor como eu nunca experimentei. Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators. Não como tiranos viemos, mas como libertadores.

(18) David Lloyd George , Daily Express (17th November, 1936)

I have just returned from a visit to Germany. ... ... I have now seen the famous German leader and also something of the great change he has effected. Whatever one may think of his methods - and they are certainly not those of a Parliamentary country - there can be no doubt that he has achieved a marvellous transformation in the spirit of the people, in their attitude towards each other, and in their social and economic outlook.

One man has accomplished this miracle. He is a born leader of men. A magnetic dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, a resolute will, and a dauntless heart. He is the national Leader. He is also securing them against that constant dread of starvation which is one of the most poignant memories of the last years of the war and the first years of the Peace. The establishment of a German hegemony in Europe which was the aim and dream of the old prewar militarism, is not even on the horizon of Nazism.

(19) Basil Liddell Hart , The Other Side of the Hill (1930)

Before the war, and still more during the conquest of the West, Hitler came to appear a gigantic figure, combining the strategy of a Napoleon with the cunning of a Machiavelli and the fanatical fervour of a Mahomet. After his first check in Russia, his figure began to shrink, and towards the end he was regarded as a blundering amateur in the military field, whose crazy orders and crass ignorance had been the Allies' greatest asset. All the disasters of the German Army were attributed to Hitler; all its successes were credited to the German General Staff.

That picture is not true, though there is some truth in it Hitler was far from being a stupid strategist. Rather, he was too brilliant-and suffered from the natural faults that tend to accompany such brilliance.

He had a deeply subtle sense of surprise, and was a master of the psychological side of strategy, which he raised to a new pitch. Long before the war he had described to his associates how the daring coup that captured Norway might be carried out, and how the French could be manoeuvred out of the Maginot Line.

He had also seen, better than any general, how the bloodless conquests that preceded the war might be achieved by undermining resistance beforehand. No strategist in history has been more clever in playing on the minds of his opponents - which is the supreme art of strategy.

It was the very fact that he had so often proved right, contrary to the opinion of his professional advisers, which
helped him to gain influence at their expense. Those results weakened their arguments in later situations which
they gauged more correctly. For in the Russian campaign his defects became more potent than his gifts, and the debit balance accumulated to the point of bankruptcy. Even so, it has to be remembered that Napoleon, who was a professional strategist, had been just as badly dazzled by his own success, and made the same fatal mistakes in the same place.

(20) After the war General Guenther Blumentritt wrote about how Hitler reacted after the defeat of France in June 1940.

Hitler was in very good humour, he admitted that the course of the campaign had been 'a decided miracle', and gave us his opinion that the war would be - finished in six weeks. After that he wished to conclude a reasonable peace with France, and then the way would be free for an agreement with Britain.

He then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had brought into the world. He remarked, with a shrug of the shoulders, that the creation of its Empire had been achieved by means that were often harsh, but 'where there is planing, there are shavings flying'. He compared the British Empire with the Catholic Church - saying they were both essential elements of stability in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany's position on the Continent. The return of Germany's lost colonies would be desirable but not essential, and he would even offer to support Britain with troops if she should be involved in any difficulties anywhere. He remarked that the colonies were primarily a matter of prestige, since they could not be held in war, and few Germans could settle in the tropics.

He concluded by saying that his aim was to make peace with Britain on a basis that she would regard as compatible with her honour to accept.

(21) William Joyce , Germany Calling (9th November, 1942)

In the speech which the Führer delivered yesterday on the eve of 9th November - a historic date in the annals of the German National Socialist Party - there was one characteristic which dominated: the note of calm and complete confidence in victory, based not only on feeling and faith, but upon reason; upon the knowledge that Germany has in her hands the means of winning this war; that the raw materials at her disposal are sufficient for the purpose; that her food supplies are assured; and that, as the Führer said, wherever the battle front might be, Germany would always parry every thrust and go over to the offensive. No doubt the press and radio, secure in the knowledge that the vast majority of their public understand no German, have given quite a different impression of the speech, in accordance with their established custom. But every German who listened to the Führer yesterday must have realised more clearly than ever what immense reserves of strength his country possesses, and what singleness of purpose actuates its leaders. As Adolf Hitler said: 'We shall not fail, and in consequence it is our enemies who will go down.' The words are simple enough, but they express the funda- mental and historic truth in which we live.

(22) After the war General Hasso Manteuffel was interviewed about his thoughts on Adolf Hitler .

Hitler had a magnetic, and indeed hypnotic personality. This had a very marked effect on people who went to see him with the intention of putting forward their views on any matter. They would begin to argue their point, but would gradually find themselves succumbing to his personality, and in the end would often agree to the opposite of what they intended. For my part, having come to know Hitler well in the last stages of the war, I had learnt how to keep him to the point, and maintain my own argument. I did not feel afraid of Hitler, as so many did. He often called me to his headquarters for consultation, after that Christmastide I had spent at his headquarters by invitation, following the successful stroke at Zhitomir that had attracted his attention.

Hitler had read a lot of military literature, and was also fond of listening to military lectures. In this way, coupled with his personal experience of the last war as an ordinary soldier, he had gained a very good knowledge of the lower level of warfare - the properties of the different weapons; the effect of ground and weather; the mentality and morale of troops. He was particularly good in gauging how the troops felt. I found that I was hardly ever in disagreement with his view when discussing such matters. On the other hand he had no idea of the higher strategical and tactical combinations. He had a good grasp of how a single division moved and fought, but he did not understand how armies operated.

(23) Traudl Junge, was Adolf Hitler's personal secretary. She later commented on his views on women.

Hitler didn't marry, he said himself, because he didn't want to lose his fascination for women. Obviously, an unmarried man is far more desirable than a boring husband. As a man, he didn't look attractive at all. It was more that he personified power - that was his fascination. And also his presence. He had a way of looking at you with those eyes, which could really set you alight. And somehow he was a mythical figure for women. He was a saviour, and he gave off an aura of power, and that impressed women. Like a Messiah, perhaps.

(24) Albert Speer was Minister for Armaments and War Production in Hitler's government. At his trial at Nuremberg in 1946 he discussed the dangers of modern dictatorship.

Hitler's dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. His was the first dictatorship in the present period of technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country. Through technical means like the radio and the loud-speaker, eighty million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man.

(25) Ulf Schmidt, Karl Brandt: The Nazi Doctor (2007)

For almost two years, until the arrival of Theodor Morell, Hitler's personal physician and a former ship's doctor, Brandt remained the unchallenged authority and first point of call in all questions relating to Hitler's health and well-being and that of his staff. In practical terms this had little meaning, because there was hardly anything to do in the early years of Brandt's assignment, except that Hitler became increasingly concerned with his own mortality. Hitler must have felt a sense of exhaustion after those frantic years in opposition, and the need to press on if he wanted to achieve his monumental goals. Despite an unhealthy diet and lack of physical exercise, his health remained relatively good, except for the stomach spasms which plagued him for years. In December 1934, Hitler poisoned himself with neo-Ballistol, a kind of oil hunters use to clean their rifle barrels. A medical variant of this oil existed, and Hitler must have been under the impression that it would help him to overcome his constant gastrointestinal troubles. His symptoms were headaches, double vision, dizziness and tinnitus. The SS physician, Ernst Robert Grawitz, who later became the President of the German Red Cross, diagnosed neo-Ballistol poisoning. In total secrecy, Hitler was rushed to the Westend Sanatorium, where he was X-rayed and his stomach was emptied. 133 It was one of the few instances where Hitler readily complied with his doctor's advice.

Hitler generally exhibited an extraordinary shyness when it came to undressing in front of physicians. To be examined by Brandt or any other of his doctors became a major undertaking; he, the man in charge of Germany's future, could hardly bear the idea of being the object of a medical examination. Whenever Hitler fell ill, Brandt and his colleagues needed all available diplomatic skills to rescue a situation which could easily develop into a national crisis. By 1942, the health of Hitler had reached such a level of strategic importance that every person who came into direct contact with the Fuhrer, or was working in his immediate vicinity, needed to prove themselves absolutely free of illnesses or disease-causing agents.

Hanni Morell, the wife of Theodor Morell, compared his eccentricities in all matters concerned with his body with those of an old virginal spinster. To conduct a thorough medical examination was almost impossible; X-ray pictures were out of the question. Morell had enormous difficulties in fulfilling his medical duties. Comprehensive neurological or internal examinations were never carried out. Hitler's lungs and abdomen were never examined. Until the last days of the Reich, Morell tried persistently, but unsuccessfully, to persuade Hitler to have a full X-ray of his body. Whenever Hitler was in pain, Morell would arrive with his doctor's bag in Hitler's sleeping quarters, the only place where examinations were permitted, and felt or touched the area of Hitler's body where it hurt. Further chemical and radiological tests could only be carried out after persistent persuasion. To a limited extent the measuring of blood pressure, pulse, heartbeat and temperature were possible, as were standard reflex tests. Yet Hitler disliked finding himself in a potentially compromising position, for example when he needed to vomit. The administration of drugs by injection (because parts of his body had to be exposed) needed great diplomatic skill. Even being measured by a tailor produced major problems because Hitler hated to be touched. All such eccentricities suddenly had no meaning when parts of his head or face were injured, especially those organs such as his voice or eyes which Hitler regarded as instrumental in controlling the people and the masses. He was hypersensitive to the slightest idea that these organs might be defective - and undermine the popular image and impact of the Fuhrer cult - so the best experts in the country would be ordered to treat him with all available skills. At these times Hitler made no fuss.

Hitler 1889-1936 Hitler 1889-1936

Hitler 1889-1936 Hitler 1889-1936

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Texto original em inglês:
Hitler believed that he would eventually be forced to fight the United States but he wanted to make sure that he controlled Europe before that happened.
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